Greenbook: A Local Guide to Chesapeake Living - Issue 6 | Page 24

R by Chris, Computer Superhero at Cheaper than a, Annapolis, Md. You may have a virus on your computer and not even know it.  Even scarier, just like a real virus that affects human beings – your computer virus could go undetected for weeks or months before symptoms ever appear. According to a Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, 57% of the threats computers faced were viruses, with malware following at 21%. There are primary 5 signs that hint at a virus, spyware or malware on your computer. Take Notice! 1 Gradual, then Sudden Slow Down You’re using your computer perfectly fine, then all of a sudden you notice significant slowdown.  Your first inclination is that the hard-drive may be storing too much information.  You delete tons of files hoping that it helps. This does speed up the computer; however, the improvement is marginal at best.  It still doesn’t have that “brand new” speed.  This is a sign that you possibly have a virus. 24 greenbook | fall & Winter 2015 2 Pop-Up Warnings You’re using your computer If you are receiving pop-up warnings that your computer may be infected – it may be time to have your computer scanned for potential viruses.  These pop-ups do not look as “spammy” as in the early days of the Internet.  They appear as legitimate software that came pre-installed on your computer. As said before, the creators of these viruses are becoming smarter.  If you are unsure about whether the pop-up is from a legitimate program or simply a virus – it is always best to have it looked at by a professional.  A pop-up indication usually foreshadows a bad future for your computer if you are not proactive in finding a solution. Looking for virus repair in Bowie MD? Call us now to see how we can help you. internet. Whether you are using Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox, the virus simply shuts down the browser and may even create a pop-up explaining that you have a virus. This is usually a scam designed to make your situation distressing, that you want to immediately give away your credit card information to solve the problem.  It’s essentially a scam that’s so powerful and effective, that it persists on millions of computers today. We recommend that you DO NOT PAY.  You should seek a solution on the internet by accessing Safe Mode.  There are some viruses that are even intelligent enough to cut off your internet access through Safe Mode.  If you come across a malicious, malignant, and intelligent virus such as this and if you live in or near Bowie MD; it’s time to seek the solution of experts and call us. 4 3 Inability to Connect to The Internet This is usually a sure sign that you have a virus.  You are completely unable to get on the Anti-Virus and Firewall Shutdown Do you currently have a popular brand of anti-virus on your computer?  If you notice that you can open up different applications on your computer