Green This Season - Digital Conscious Fashion Magazine 2014 - #1 | Page 12

11 And I think we also need to educate consumers about cost-per-wear; because actually if you buy a cheap piece of clothing which is likely to fall apart or be out of fashion within six months, it can actually be cheaper to buy a timeless, quality piece of clothing which might cost you twenty or thirty times more, but you will be wearing it for years. It’s really about changing consumers’ purchasing habits and the thought process that goes into consumption- or rather, the lack of thought process that goes into it. Green This Season MAGAZINE Spring 2014 Have you seen any positive changes in the way in which brands operate on an ethical level? A lot of brands have good people in place, some good policies and most - but certainly not all - brands and retailers are starting the process of change. It is slow; there are a lot of brands that are completely burying their heads in the sand. What we need to do is show that transparency is good for business. Initially when we thought of the idea for the theme of the first Fashion Revolution Day being ‘Who Made Your Clothes?’ we thought that it was a really simple question. I naively assumed that brands knew who made their clothes, but a recent survey done by the Australian Fashion Board found that sixty one percent of brands didn’t know where their clothing was made and a massive ninety three percent of brands didn’t