Green Child Magazine Winter 2015 | Page 19

Herbs & Pregnancy Your guide to a safe, comfortable pregnancy plus what to avoid |by Susie Bryan The process of conception, gestation and birthing is the beginning of all things - the beginning of life. Is there a more natural process? To complement the ultimate natural process, doesn’t it make sense to remain as close to nature as possible? A great way to do that is to care for your body during your pregnancy and after giving birth with nature’s medicine chest – herbal remedies. Herbal remedies can be used for everything from morning sickness to varicose veins. common herbs and their uses Ginger – Great for relieving nausea and the symptoms of morning sickness – just add a couple of slices of organically grown ginger to a cup of hot water and sip it as needed. Ginger should be used sparingly during pregnancy so if you have frequent or prolonged morning sickness, a \