Great Streets for Los Angeles | Page 12

GOALS & STRATEGIES Eliminate traffic fatalities in Los Angeles by 2025. See pages 44-45 for more detail on the strategies in this chapter and the benchmarks LADOT will use to measure progress toward implementing them. 12 1 Adopt a Vision Zero Policy and Develop an Action Plan Vision Zero captures our goal to eliminate all fatalities. LADOT will take actions to more systemically address safety issues, and Vision Zero will provide a framework for these actions. Our efforts will be based on holistic thinking and proven solutions that consider the large variety of factors that contribute to risk such as vehicle types, location, and time of day. a. Adopt a Vision Zero policy and multi-agency task force b. Complete a comprehensive pedestrian safety action plan c. Create a dedicated funding mechanism to redesign intersections or streets for enhanced pedestrian safety d. Reduce the number of severe injuries and fatalities on the top 10 prioritized corridors 2 Incorporate Safety for Pedestrians into all Street Designs and Redesigns Our streets must be safe for people traveling by all modes of transportation. Prioritizing pedestrians and vulnerable users such as children and older adults will enhance safety for everyone, because streets that are safe to walk on are also safe for bikes, buses and cars. We will retrofit and reconstruct our streets using both existing tools and pioneering new design strategies such as neighborhood “slow zones.” a. Identify safety-related improvements that can be bundled into infrastructure projects b. Re-time pedestrian signals to comply with current standards c. Expedite Safe Routes to School program d. Expand implementation of LADOT continental crosswalks