Great Everyday Meals Magazine | By Momma Cuisine Winter/Spring 2017 | Page 14

GEM : Can you tell us about One Part Plant ? What is it and why were you inspired to start it ? JM : One Part Plant means eating at least one plant-based meal a day . A meal where veggies , fruits , nuts , seeds , grains , and / or legumes are the star of the show . It doesn ’ t have to be all or nothing , we ’ re just starting with one meal a day .
Six years ago , I was headed for a hysterectomy because of my endometriosis ( 1 in 10 women suffer from this disease ). The pain was so severe I couldn ’ t make it out of bed most mornings . I tried everything to get better and nothing worked . But then a friend suggested I try a whole foods plant-based diet . I had zero faith it would work , but was also desperate . To my surprise , it worked ! I slowly began to regain my life , my pain started to fade , and it opened up my eyes to other wellness practices that helped me begin to heal . But it was HARD . Changing my diet was one of the hardest things I ever had to do . I started One Part Plant because I wanted to help other people eat more plant-based foods without all the anger , frustration , and confusion that I experienced . Real food works and I want to help make it work for them .
GEM : What is the best approach for families to be begin adopting a healthier lifestyle ? JM : To realize that it ’ s ok if you don ’ t go from zero to kale smoothies in a day . Start slow by adapting dishes your family already loves . It ’ s also so important to not make a big deal about it . Announcing a dish is dairy , gluten , and / or sugar-free is always a buzz kill . Just make food that ’ s delicious . The healthy part is an added bonus !
GEM : Can anyone adopt this lifestyle ? JM : Yes ! There ’ s a lot of theories and debates out there about the “ best ” type of diet . It can feel so overwhelming that you don ’ t know what to eat . But the one thing that everyone can agree on is more plants is a good thing . We have to shift our perception of what that means , though . It doesn ’ t have to mean a bowl of dry brown rice with bland steamed broccoli . It can mean mac n ’ cheese , mashed potatoes , creamy curries , granola , and chocolate chunk cookies … just made with more plants instead .
GEM : What was the inspiration behind your latest cookbook ? JM : I want to show people the power of good food . But most importantly , how to incorporate real food into their lives in a manageable , realistic , and delicious way . I also want to empower women to listen to their bodies and truly take care of themselves . I went way too long not doing that , I want to help break that cycle .
GEM : What would you say to people who want to eat better and nourish their bodies , but tend to fall back on less healthier habits ? JM : Every single meal is a new opportunity . We get so caught up in being “ perfect ” and there are very few of us that are . Don ’ t be so hard on yourself , but also really begin to think about how your food makes you feel . Not if the food will make you fat or skinny , but how does it make you FEEL . Do you get bloated ? Do you have bathroom issues after eating certain foods ? Does your favorite dish make you feel sleepy ? When you ’ re making choices , ask yourself if it ’ s worth feeling this way . The more you ask yourself this , the more you ’ ll understand what makes your body happy and these “ feeling good ” choices will become your norm .
GEM : What ’ s next in 2017 for you and One Part Plant ? JM : Lots of new podcasts , a book tour and events , and a few surprises that I ’ ve got up my sleeve . I ’ m also so excited to keep building the One Part Plant community . We ’ re one big supportive family and so looking forward to us growing together in the new year .
I want to show people the power of good food . But most importantly , how to incorporate real food into their lives in a manageable , realistic , and delicious way .