Great Everyday Meals Magazine | By Momma Cuisine July-September 2017 | Page 14

GEM: Are your own kids involved in the selec- tion of the dining “destinations” at all? What are some of their favorite foods? D.C. We try to involve our kids with LDC as much as possible. We get feedback from them on what country’s cuisine we should explore next, but Alayna and I ultimately make the final de- cision. They understand that they are the hosts of LDC as well and they love greeting kids when they arrive. Some of their favorite foods are sushi, guacamo- le, salmon, shrimp, steak, and chicken. They’re pretty open to trying new things, but we know the foods that each of them don’t like. Not every kid is going to like every dish, but we try to allow them to explore a safe, moderate, and adventurous dish during each event. It’s amazing to see how they transition from being skeptical about trying new food to becoming excited about the next dish coming out of the kitchen. GEM: Any plans on taking Little Diner’s Crew nationwide in the future? D.C. Yes, we’ve had requests to take the concept to Los Angeles, so we’re hoping to host a LDC event out there this summer. We really think that the concept would be popular around the coun- try. The feedback that we have received thus far has been overwhelmingly positive as parents are excited to try Little Diner’s Crew.