GREAT China Welcome directory March 2016 | Page 406

以中国为重点的营销和配套服务 China-focused marketing & support services for business 《狮子王》是迪斯尼屡获殊荣的音乐剧,该剧以雄壮的塞伦盖蒂平原 (Serengeti Plains) 为背景,令人回味 的非洲旋律贯穿其中,绝对让您对音乐剧刮目相看。 改编自迪斯尼著名电影的《狮子王》音乐剧堪称壮丽的视觉盛宴,它将引领观众进入一个充满绚丽色彩、炫 目效果和迷人音乐的奇幻世界。迪斯尼《狮子王》围绕主人公辛巴 (Simba) 讲述了一个极具感染力的故事: 天真无邪的小狮子辛巴历经艰险成长为荣耀国 (Pridelands) 国王的传奇经历。 演出时间: 周二至周六晚上7:30 周三、周六和周日午后2:30 兰心大剧院 (Lyceum Theatre) Wellington Street 21号,伦敦,WC2E 7RQ There are several different companies offering ‘market-entry’ services to tourism and hospitality businesses looking to welcome more Chinese visitors. These companies all claim to have specialist technical or professional skills, market knowledge and excellent contacts. As with any business service, we recommend that you seek references before commissioning any of the companies listed in this section of the directory. 有不少公司向那些计划接待更多中国游客的旅游业界企业提供“市场进入”服务。所有这些公司都具备专门的技术 或专业技能、市场知识和丰富的人脉资源。 由于这是商业服务,我们建议您在委托本章所列公司提供服务前认真考核。 407