GREAT China Welcome directory March 2016 | Page 286

步欲近 亦心不止 ● WESTFIELD 设计师品牌 免税购物 VIP贵宾服务 免费无线上网 零售 Retailers @westfield LONDON W12 STRATFORD CITY E20 尽享伦敦至尊购物体验 从古董时装市场到高街商店和定制裁缝店,再到设计师折扣店,英国能让所有购物者尽兴而归。购物者可能会迷失 在全世界最大的百货商场塞尔福里奇,也可造访知名的哈罗兹(Harrods),购买从苏格兰粗呢到稀有的威尔士黄 金在内的特别礼物。如今大部分零售商都接受银联卡,并且有会说中文的员工帮助中国游客买到心仪的产品,将钱 花在刀刃上。 From vintage fashion markets to high-street shops and bespoke tailors to discount designer outlets, Britain has something for every taste and budget. Shoppers can get lost in the world’s biggest shoe department at Selfridges, visit the iconic Harrods and buy unique gifts from Scottish tweed to rare Welsh gold. Many of these retailers now accept Union Pay and have Mandarin speaking staff to help Chinese visitors get the best value for their money. 287