GREAT China Welcome directory March 2016 | Page 140

GREAT China Welcome GREAT China Welcome Chatsworth 查茨沃斯庄园 Chetham's Library 契天图书馆 Attractions & Entertainment Attractions & Entertainment 查茨沃斯庄园(Chatsworth)位于壮观的大湖区,是英国最受欢迎的庄 园之一,拥有著名的艺术藏品和雕塑、花园、农场及儿童游乐园。 联系 Contact Sally Ambrose Head of Visitor Services & Marketing 44 (0)1246 565 300 Chatsworth House Bakewell Derbyshire DE45 1PP England Set in the magnificent Peak District, Chatsworth is one of Britain’s best loved historic houses with famous art and sculpture, gardens, farmyard and adventure playground. 其他有用的信息 Other useful information 和谢菲尔德当地大学里来自中国的留学生合作,从而让中国游客更受优 待,拥有更好的体验 Working with the local university in Sheffield with their students from China to help improve the welcome and experience for Chinese visitors 联系 Contact Michael Powell Librarian 44 (0)161 834 7961 Long Millgate Manchester M3 1SB England [email protected] [email protected] 为中国游客而設的服务及设施 Services & amenities for Chinese visitors 140 契天始建于1653年,是英语世界现存最古老的免费公共图书馆,它位于 曼彻斯特市中心一座优美的中世纪学院建筑里。 Founded in 1653, Chetham’s is the oldest surviving free public library in the English-speaking world, and is housed in a beautiful medieval college building in the centre of Manchester. 其他有用的信息 Other useful information 游客可坐在窗口凹处那张著名的桌子旁,马克思和恩格斯曾一起在此研究 然后起草他们的《共产主义宣言》。游客可在图书馆的书架上看到当年马 克思和恩格斯曾经来读过的书。 Visitors are able to sit at the famous desk in the window alcove where Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels studied together and beg