GRC Professional - February 2015 Edition | Page 33

Principle Eight: Risk Management takes human and cultural factors into account Principle Eleven: Risk Management facilitates continual improvement of the organisation How would you assess your competency and maturity level for this principle? How would you assess your competency and maturity level for this principle? Level 1 – Absent: There is no risk management framework in place or what is in place anticipates only predictable or basic risks. Level 2 – Reactive: Isolated efforts are made to encourage behaviours that meet the risk appetite. Risk management may become a focus when and incident occurs. Policies are not enforced and there are no controls in place that anticipate human or cultural behaviours. Level 3 – Foundation: Risk Management professionals and other key staff encourage the behaviours that create and support the risk framework. Behaviours that c ompromise the risk management framework are discouraged by management. Some controls are in place anticipating some of these behaviours. Policies exist to promote desired risk taking behaviours (and deter those not desired) but are only intermittently applied. Level 4 – Proactive: All leaders and managers encourage the behaviours that create and support risk management and a general culture of risk taking within the risk appetite appears to exist. Active effort is made by all not to tolerate the behaviours that compromise the risk appetite. Hiring procedures include pre-employment screening for desirable behavioural attributes around risk management for senior management. Consistent punishment and rewards occur for behavior that falls within or outside the agreed risk \