Graslander Uitgawe 3: Nampo | Page 5

APPLICATION APPLICATION OF LIME The following quantities of agricultural lime are required to increase the pH of the various soil types: Soil texture From pH 4,5–5,5 t/ha From pH 5,5–6,5 t/ha Sand and sandy loam 0.5 0.75 Sandy loam 1.0 1.5 Loam 1.5 2.0 Silt loam 2.5 3.0 Clay loam 3.0 4.0 These quantities must only be used as a guideline. How often must lime be applied and when? About once every 3–4 years on average in the case of heavy soils. The optimum effect of lime application on these soils only becomes apparent 2–3 years after application. Test the pH again after 3 years to decide whether more lime is required. Smaller quantities of lime applied more often will eliminate the risk of too much lime in sandy soil. Lime can be applied at any time of the year, but preferably immediately before ploughing. In contrast to fertiliser, lime reacts slowly in the soil, which is why it should be applied at least 6–8 weeks before planting or so wing. The action of lime This is a chemical process that can only take place when moisture is present in the soil. Effectiveness depends on how well the lime has been mixed with the soil and how fine the lime is. Agricultural lime and dolomitic lime contain fine as well as coarse particles. The fine material reacts quickly while the coarser particles have a long-term effect. The coarse particles should not be larger than 2 mm. The effect of agricultural lime or dolomitic lime usually only becomes apparent 6–8 weeks after application. Thereafter it builds up and reaches a peak after about 2 years. Differences between agricultural lime and dolomitic lime ☛Agricultural lime is calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ), while dolomitic lime is a compound of about equal quantities of calcium and magnesium carbonate (CaCO 3 + MgCO 3 ). Dolomitic lime should be used on acid soils where magnesium deficiencies also occur. ☛Dolomitic lime is slightly less soluble than agricultural lime, but its neutralising effect is about 10% more effective, with the result that the quantity applied can be reduced by 10% to achieve similar results. Compiled by Directorate Communication, National Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Fertiliser Society of South Africa For further information consult the Fertiliser Society of South Africa P.O. Box 75510, Lynnwood Ridge 0040 Tel: (012) 349 1450 • Fax: (012) 349 1463 SPESIALE JCB FINANSIERINGSAANBOD RENTEKOERSE TOT EN MET PRIMA -5%  Vaste rentekoers van 3.5% • 20% deposito • 3 jaar termyn met jaarlikse paaiemente • Geen BTW terug  Prima -2.5% • 20% deposito • 48 maandelikse paaiemente • Geen BTW terug  Prima -1.5% • 25% deposito • 5 jaar termyn met jaarlikse paaiemente BEPALINGS EN VOORWAARDES GELD. JCB 3CX Laaigraaftrekkers (Backhoe loader machines) LET WEL: Promosie op alle JCB-produkte sluit 30 April 2017. Verdere navrae kan ook gerig word aan: Antoon Smalberger, Bestuurder JCB en Landbou-implemente (082 806 4844) Phillip Nel: Streekbemarker JCB Landbou-implemente (083 451 3947) Vir enige navrae of demonstrasies, kontak gerus u naaste Senwes Equipment heelwerktuigbemarker.