Grapevine Magazine Issue 3 | Page 71

Grapevine Landscape & Nature Cape Canary Hamerkop White-throated Swallow Spotted Eagle Owl T ygerberg B ird C lub O uting V al de V ie “This Spotted Eagle Owl is a regular visitor to my wooden pergola structure on our garage, he definitely thinks that is his roost!” Fran Gee, Homeowner Val de Vie Estate Jackal Buzzard Greater Striped Swallow A total of eleven Tygerberg Bird Club members White-throated Swallow flew past us frequently, As usual the lovely outing was ended with arrived at Val de Vie Estate, on Tuesady 7 giving us great views of these lovely birds. us doing a bird count and a staggering 53 October. We were anticipating a successful It is always nice when the swallows return in different species were seen. This is a good birding day and extremly glad that the weather the spring to once again come and build their count given that we didn’t see many water was somewhat cooler than the preceding few nests and breed under our eaves. Along the birds. A big thank you to the Val de Vie days. We set off from the Sports & Leisure river pathway, we saw the majestic African Homeowners’ Association for allowing our club Centre, birding along a meandering walkway Paradise Flycatcher male, with its lovely long to do our second bird count in this area. towards the river. Along the way we had tail. This striking chestnut-and-grey bird, with The well maintained walkways and indigenous wonderful views of Cape Canaries feeding its blue bill and eye-ring, is a welcome summer gardens will undoubtedly attract many more near the path totally oblivious to us all. visitor. We were hoping to see some kingfishers bird species in the future. or Black duck but were unfortunately not lucky We stopped and admired Greater Striped this time. Jackal Buzzard, Yellow-billed Kite, Swallow and Rock Martins collecting mud, to Hamerkop and a Spotted Eagle Owl were all reinforce their nests. White-rumped Swift and Brigid Crewe seen near the Manor house and wine cellar. 69