Grapevine Magazine Issue 3 | Page 65

Grapevine Stable Talk D arling E ndurance : Mamma Tahila (Maureen) and her trusty steed ‘Cruiser’ competed with their team mates Thembelani and ‘Spirit’ in the Darling Endurance recently. Horses and riders alike woke early and set off on their 60km journey - yes that is A LOT of bum time in the saddle. With a 5am start in the dark, you need flash lights, headlights, spotlights, you name it, to try and see past the tip of your nose. This is where horse and rider need to be in harmony and trust one another because if your horse goes down... You’re going down too! Luckily these intelligent four legged blessings, we call horses, will go out of their way to protect (well most of them) their riders and do their best to stay upright. Well done to our Endurance Team on yet another Opening 01 December 2014 achievement.

 Kelly Mathias +27 76 081 6239 63