Grandma's Kitchen | Page 22

Š LITHUANIA Ingredients SCHOOL : SILUTES VYDUNO GYMNAZIUM • • • • • • 1 medium red beetroot 1 medium cucumber A handful of spring onion A bunch of fresh dill 2 hard boiled eggs salt ŠČ • • • • • A pinch of lemon acid 800 ml buttermilk or kefir 200-400 ml of cold boiled water (optional) Sour cream (optionaly) 6 medium potatoes Preparation 1. Boil beetroot in water until tender. Let it cool down, peel and grate coarsely. Mix with salt and a pinch of lemon acid. Leave aside. 2. Chop spring onions. Chop dill finely. Chop cucumber into small cubes. Mix all together with salt and let release the flavour. Add grated beetroot. Peel shells from hard-boiled eggs. One option (more comfortable, but less beautiful) – to cut eggs really small and mix with all other ingradients. Another option – to cut boiled eggs in halfs or quarters and devide to each personal plate. Add sour cream, buttermilk or kefir. Stir. The color will appear slowly. If you like more liquid soup, add some cold boiled water. Test, is it enough salt. 3. Peel potatoes, cut them in half and boil in slightly salted water until tender. Calculate time, that Starter they would be ready and hot when you all sit down for the meal. 4. Šaltibarščiai are served cold in the plate or bowl. On other individaul plate potatoes are served hot. 12 SYBRINA NURIN REFEI OVIDIJA APANASIEVIČ