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pocket like an after-thought, but literally woven into the very canvas of our being. In the midst of our spinning to succeed in creating a masterpiece, by and for “self,” we were masterfully led back home by our Creator and Designer to our very starting point… CALVARY, THE CROSS At the foot of the cross — empty handed, desperate, and frayed — we traded in old for new, death for life. Grace flooded us anew. For it is by grace you have been saved, it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 Christ flooded us anew. We are God’s workmanship, created anew in Christ Jesus to do the good things he planned for us that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 Yes, the Designer’s golden thread had been weaving in and through us all along…but we were unaware of the intricate pattern forming and the unimaginable ways His artist- ry would lead us in the very near future. The year 2014 came and with it an opportunity to sell the business Jon had started. Viewing this opportu- nity through eyes of logic, he was being swayed on all accounts to sell, but our small flame had been fanned and we knew not to take matters into our own hands. (After all, what did we really know about weaving anyway?!) As we sought the Lord’s will through prayer, His word and wise Godly counsel, the answer was a clear “NO.” Jon, through eyes of faith followed the Lord’s leading by obeying and de- clined the opportunity to pursue a sale. During a church service soon after, my heart was overwhelmed by our Savior’s love. It was impressed upon my heart during worship that the business would eventually sell, and with the money — we were to gift it back to the Lord. I told no one, only recorded it in the back of my Bible and pondered this in my heart. If God intended for this to come to fruition, he himself would need to reveal it to Jon in his per- fect timing. A number was also laid on my heart of an amount the Lord was asking us to give back to Him. My old self tried to insert again — but God’s word carried and led me. Psalm 37:7, “Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act.” God’s grace has to do with his best choice for us, not our choice. God would soon reveal more. That same summer, the Lord grew our hearts by taking us to Hondu- ras on a family missions trip. It was as if He attached a pace-maker to our hearts, regulating our heart- beat to His. It was God working in us giving us the desire and power to act according to his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 Autumn blew in with another personally-tailored sermon that spurred our hearts deeper into His truth and grace. It was Christ’s invi- tation to Peter, to us, to get out of the boat. Our own boat held safety, comfort, position, financial resourc- es… would we willingly leave this to step closer to Jesus? Jon immediate- ly responded to Pastor Tom’s invita- tion to come forward. I recalled the clear message the Lord had given me in March and knew this was a glimpse of the picture being woven into our tapestry as my husband followed wholeheartedly after His Savior. Walking to the foot of the cross, I fell in line behind Jon, liter- ally holding o nto his coattails as we stepped out together in obedience. Would this step include the compa- ny sale? I continued to quietly wait upon the Lord for the answer. At the same time the Lord used a variety of other opportunities to grow us, sort of Chia-pet style. I had a front row seat to watch Jon grow while I was involved myself in wom- en’s leadership development, which was giving off the same Miracle -Gro effect. As Christmas bells began tolling, Jon’s heart had been moved by the Lord to initiate the sale of the business at this time, God’s time. Jon approached me with this Holy Spirit prompting, and I realized what I thought might take years to happen, God did in a matter of months! I was released to share with my husband what God had placed on my heart nine months back, including the specific mone- tary gift. Although we had no idea how this pledge was to begin to be fulfilled, prayerfully dependent on our Maker, we both moved forward. We both were filled with peaceful unity intertwined with great joy and expectation. The business would sell, and the money would be gifted back to Him in obedience. January of 2015 ushered in the first sermon topic of the New 5