GP Junior (Jun-July 18) Digital (June-July 18) | Page 4

EDITOR’S NOTE Juniors on the move! ANIL DEV Editor-in-chief The Inaugural Issue hile playing golf on a Sunday morning, a casual remark by my partner ‘Look at that beautiful swing’ reinforced my belief regarding the state of junior golf in India. The subject in this case, was a boy, must be all of 12 years, part of his junior fourball playing a practice round at the peacock course of the Delhi Golf Club. The boys swing would have matched any professional who may have put in a decade in Golf! I had a more surreal experience as I played with a little nipper who had Rickie Fowler as his role model with a swing and swagger to match. It was at the Kolkata Knight Rider Pro-am Golf at Tolly where shamefully we had to rely on the junior ‘Rickie’ to salvage our À oundering round. I was impressed then and I was impressed now. Truly, the game of Golf is getting younger as junior golfers are standing up to be counted, and the number is looking good. It is really great to see golf courses dotted with these young players falling into the tough routine and discipline of being a Golfer. The numbers are made up of both genders from all age groups starting four upwards and more than a majority is swinging like champions. The juniors have worked really hard to reach this stage, putting in long (GLWRULDO (GLWRULQ&KLHI$QLO'HY &RQWULEXWLQJ(GLWRUV $PDQGHHS-RKO -RKQ'RXJODV9RO] ,QGUDMLW%KDORWLD *DU\*LOFKULVW )UDQN0DQWXD 'HSXW\(GLWRU &KDUX'HZDQ )HUU\0RQQp &UHDWLYH7HDP 3XVKSHQGUD 4 GolfPlus Junior June-July 2018 3ODFHRI3XEOLFDWLRQ *ROI3OXV6HFWRU 1RLGD 83 ,QGLD 7HO 0DUNHWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 6KDOLQL7RPDU (PDLOPDUNHWLQJ#JROISOXVPRQWKO\FRP MXQLRU#JROISOXVPRQWKO\FRP 1HZV'HVN $NDQVKD-DLQ (PDLOJROISOXVMXQLRU#JPDLOFRP 6XEVFULSWLRQ VXEJSMXQLRU#JPDLOFRP hours of practice, sacri¿ cing buddy time even carrying their own bags. No sport demands so much parental involvement as Golf and credit goes to the parents also who have spent countless hours being a part of this learning, ¿ nancially supporting the engagement and travelling with them whenever wherever required. I have even seen parents give up their jobs and personal life to fuel the desire of these youngsters. The current golf scenario has more than justi¿ ed the birth of Golfplus Junior. The ¿ rst issue was received with great enthusiasm by the three pillars of Junior Golf development-the juniors, the parents and the golf coaches. We continue our quest for providing a platform for them covering their achievements, providing useful information on the junior golf in India and abroad, showcasing those who have performed exceptionally. The second issue is out and we look forward to your inputs in making your very own magazine a great read. Happy Reading! Editor-in-chief [email protected] 0DUNHWLQJ 6/:0HGLD3YW/WG $/RJL[7HFKQRYD 3ORW$6HFWRU 1RLGD83 3KRQH 3ULQWHGDW 6XSHU&DVVHWWHV,QGXVWULHV/WG &6HFWRU 1RLGD8WWDU3UDGHVK RQVW-XQH 2ZQHU3ULQWHU 3XEOLVKHU $QLO'HY ‹ *ROI3OXV $UWLFOH DQG IHDWXUHV LQFOXGLQJ LOOXVWUDWLRQVFDQRQO\EHUHSURGXFHGZLWKWKHSHUPLVVLRQ RIWKH(GLWRU:HUHJUHWZHFDQQRWEHOLDEOHIRUWKHVDIH FXVWRG\RUUHWXUQRIDQ\VROLFLWHGRUXQVROLFLWHGPDWHULDO ZKHWKHU W\SHVFULSWV SKRWRJUDSKV WUDQVSDUHQFLHV DUWZRUNRUFRPSXWHUGLVFV&RQWU