GP Junior (Apr-May 18) Digital (Apr-May 18).indd | Page 6

EDITOR’S NOTE ANIL DEV Editor-in-chief G olf is a great game played by almost 34 Million worldwide. The game in India came with the British in the year 1829 almost half a century before it was introduced anywhere else. Domain of the Army for a long-time the game is now played by the cross section of society. In 2004 we launched Golfplus Monthly, a magazine which would reach out to the golfers in India and connect them with the game within India and internationally. To address one of the most important segments of today-the Millennial, we have extended our offering by introducing Golfplus Junior. The magazine focuses on the 4 pillars of the golf game, the players, the governing bodies, the coaches and the parents. We also carry the news from the tours which are the penultimate conclusion of every golfers dream. (GLWRULDO (GLWRULQ&KLHI$QLO'HY &RQWULEXWLQJ(GLWRUV $PDQGHHS-RKO -RKQ'RXJODV9RO] ,QGUDMLW%KDORWLD *DU\*LOFKULVW 'HSXW\(GLWRU &KDUX'HZDQ )HUU\0RQQp &UHDWLYH7HDP 3XVKSHQGUD 6 GolfPlus Junior April-May 2018 Awarded the Bheem Award Through golf plus we will connect you to the game with your very own publication which will speak your language. GolfPlus Junior will address and explain various issues important to the juniors, issues ranging from the playing techniques to the opportunities available which will shape their future. While we have tried to make the magazine interesting please do write in and share your comments and suggestions which will help us in making the magazine useful for you. Happy Gol¿ ng! Editor-in-chief [email protected] 3ODFHRI3XEOLFDWLRQ *ROI3OXV6HFWRU 1RLGD 83 ,QGLD 7HO 0DUNHWLQJ'HSDUWPHQW 6KDOLQL7RPDU (PDLOPDUNHWLQJ#JROISOXVPRQWKO\FRP MXQLRU#JROISOXVPRQWKO\FRP 1HZV'HVN $NDQVKD-DLQ (PDLOJROISOXVMXQLRU#JPDLOFRP 6XEVFULSWLRQ VXEJSMXQLRU#JPDLOFRP 0DUNHWLQJ 6/:0HGLD3YW/WG $/RJL[7HFKQRYD 3ORW$6HFWRU 1RLGD83 3KRQH 3ULQWHGDW 6XSHU&DVVHWWHV,QGXVWULHV/WG &6HFWRU 1RLGD8WWDU3UDGHVK RQVW$SULO 2ZQHU3ULQWHU 3XEOLVKHU $QLO'HY Head Coach at Gary Gilchrist Golf Academy Parent Talk with Manresh Malhotra ‹ *ROI3OXV $UWLFOH DQG IHDWXUHV LQFOXGLQJ LOOXVWUDWLRQVFDQRQO\EHUHSURGXFHGZLWKWKHSHUPLVVLRQ RIWKH(GLWRU:HUHJUHWZHFDQQRWEHOLDEOHIRUWKHVDIH FXVWRG\RUUHWXUQRIDQ\VROLFLWHGRUXQVROLFLWHGPDWHULDO ZKHWKHU W\SHVFULSWV SKRWRJUDSKV WUDQVSDUHQFLHV DUWZRUNRUFRPSXWHUGLVFV&RQWULEXWRUVDUHDGYLVHGWR NHHSFRSLHVRIDOOPDWHULDOVXEPLWWHG 6HQG DGGUHVV FKDQJHV WR  1RLGD  8WWDU3UDGHVK,QGLD *ROI3OXV-XQLRULVWKHVXSSOHPHQWRI*ROI3OXV0RQWKO\ 5HJLVWUDWLRQ1R83*%' 51,1R83(1* 053`