GoWoman Africa Issue 2 | Page 22

News & Events NAOMI SESAY, MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER AND LIFE COACH GW: You have an outstanding career in the media, you are also an author, a motivational speaker and a personal development coach. What advice would you give to aspiring young women who have dreams but don't know where to start? NS: For all the women who aspire to do great things in their lives, I would say this: JUST BEGIN. Dreams are great but if you do not put Action to them, they remain dreams. So what is action? Well, action starts with great planning. Ask yourself these questions; What is my ultimate goal? How long will I give myself to achieve it? Who do I know who can help me to reach my goal? What do I need to do TODAY that will take me one step closer, TODAY? Turn your journey into the most exciting game of your life. But most of all do something - procrastination is the killer of all dreams. Dreams with wings that you designed, will fly into eternity, living a long lasting legacy. GW: What inspires and motivates you? NS: I am inspired by the intense innate power that all human beings possess. We are all amazing and we don't even know it. All born with the power to create and our imaginations are limitless. So I always ask myself, for what reason were we given all this power? The answer always comes back to self enlightenment and self realisation. In shining the light on ourselves, by being the best we can be, we give others the permission to do the same. Thus we recognise each other and become ONE. Esoteric I know, but there is no point in seeing it any other way. I have met and worked with so many wonderful people, and when we get together, miracles happen because our visions became one. PRINCESS DEUN ADEDOYIN-SOLARIN, CHAIR OF GIRL CHILD NETWORK GW: As the host of the 2013 Women4Africa awards, why do you think it is important to have such events that celebrate the best of African women? NS: African women are beautiful, especially when they've found their calling. They are strong, persistent and focused. We are on our way to a fabulous future. www. naomisesay.com PD: Having events like the Women4Africa awards is so necessary, especially now in 21st Century because no one will recognise or applaud us for the great things we are doing, hence it is high time we start applauding ourselves, lest we forget, lest our children never know! BETTY MAKONI, GENDER ACTIVIST, ADVOCATE FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN WORLDWIDE GW: What inspires and motivates you? Betty Makoni is a multi-global award winner and the founder of Girl Child Network Worldwide. This leading organisation champions the rights of girls and women and empowers survivors of sexual abuse. After surviving sexual abuse herself, she chose victory over victimisation and spends her time devoted to helping others recovering from similar ordeals. Not surprisingly standing up for vulnerable can sometimes have unpleasant consequences and Betty is currently in exile. When asked why she is exiled irrespective of all her good work, she replied; ‘Because my work exposed them. Some of them had committed the rapes themselves.’ While some choose to abuse their power, people like Betty Makoni live to empower! In the presence of this awesome lady you can’t help but be overwhelmed with admiration and inspiration. Strong opposition and being in exile has not stopped her and the hard work continues. PD: Life itself inspires me to do the various things I do ???[??\?[?Y??X?[??[??\???Z[??]?\?H?^H]Y\??][?^B???[][?]H[?]?]\?YK??????H\?H]?[???X?\???Y[?Y??X?H]?\??[\?[????]?[???X?\?H??Y[?Y??X?H]?\??\?H?\?H[\?[??X?]\?H^H?X???\?B?Y??X?[??[X[HX?Y]?\???H?YY[?H??H[?[?[?????\??\?\?[?][?????\?[?[??[\?\??[?X?H[?][?]?[??Z?H\?H\?H?\?H?Y?[??[??????]?[?H[??\?H?\?[??X??]Y??X?[???Y[?????[?Y][??[?\??]?[?[???\?Y\?[?HYYXK[?H\?H[???H?Z\???\??[?]???[????[?\?][?][\??\???\??[?\??[??H??[X[???[??Y\??B?[?H[??\???[??Y\??]?Y?X?H?????[???\?Y?[Y[????[[?H?]?H?\?\?[??[?[???Y[?[??\????]?H?X[\??]??????\?H??\????\???[I??^H?B???[?\??\?]?H[?[?\??Z[? \?]?\?H?]H\??\?????[?HZ[?H?X??B?^H?[?Y\HH?[??B?[?^\??YN????\??[?B???\??]?\??]?[??[?H??H]\?[?H?YY??[??] Z?H][??Y[]?]?]X??\??K?????Y??\?\?][??[??X[\?[?B????]]H??\????YH?? ?[?H?YY??]\ ?]??[??[??]??]] ?????]?[?H[??\H?\?[??X??]Y??X?[????Y[????\?[Y[??H[?HX?[]B??[??[??[??[???]B???[?X[K???B?Y??X?[????X[??U?T??]?\?\B???????Y[?Y??X?K???B?? ???Y[?Y??X?S??X?X[????????PS??TSP?T? ? L?????Y[?Y??X?B??????PS??TSP?T? ? L?????