GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #47 | Page 25

I ’ ve mentioned this a few times . Dogs like to feel secure and safe in their own space . Having a dog shelter not only protects them from the elements but it gives them a familiar place to hide in and rest . It can also restrain small dogs from running off from your site . There are many variations of these but we have found the soft , collapsible style of shelter most effective . They are small , lightweight and pack away easily .
You may have a king-sized bed at home that provides plenty of room for you and your dog to sleep on together , but caravan and camper beds are usually much smaller than the household type . As such , you will find the novelty of having your dog sleeping with you will wear off fairly quickly .
Most dogs are very adaptable and will consider your caravan their home as long as they are comfortable and safe
These soft travel crates make great beds . They fit neatly under the bed overhang
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