GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #47 | Page 22

Are your dog ’ s vaccinations up to date ?
Just like humans , dogs require regular vaccinations against a wide variety of diseases . These include Canine Hepatitis , Canine Distemper , Canine Parainfluenza and Canine Parvovirus . If your dog is interacting with other dogs or you want to travel to remote areas , you will need to ensure your dog ’ s vaccinations are up to date . Check with your local vet before you leave .
If you need to place your dog in a kennel for a period of time , they will insist on you having proof that you have kept up its vaccinations – another good reason to keep your dog ’ s medical history with you when you travel .
In any case , it pays to ring ahead and let the manager know that you are travelling with a dog or dogs , what breed they are and that you are responsible dog owners familiar with the restrictions and rules that may be in place .
You also need to be aware that dogs are not permitted in any national parks in Australia . If you want to visit national parks while on your holiday , you may need to put your dog into daycare or a boarding kennel for the duration of your visit .
Dogs can limit your travel options .
You need to be aware that having a dog with you will limit accommodation options as well as the places you can visit . Many caravan parks do not accept dogs . Some have seasonal restrictions on accepting travellers with dogs such as during peak times . Some parks will only accept a certain number of dogs per visitor . Some may even have restrictions on the breed of dogs they will accept .
Dirty dogs are a fact of life when you take them camping
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