GORV - Digital Magazine Issue #11 | Page 20

RV FEATURE If that has you a little flummoxed, the good news is CityLink can provide a prepaid e-tag account that lets you travel on any toll road in Australia. You can pick up a similar tag in Queensland or New South Wales where you can use your account on any Australian toll road. That means, while you may have to settle separate accounts, an electronic tag from any provider will make things cheaper and easier across all states with toll roads. In terms of cost, toll charges can vary from state to state, tollway to tollway and, in the case of some toll roads like the Sydney Harbour Tunnel, different tolls apply to different times of day. The point is, they can add up quickly so planning is essential and using them carefully while keeping your account in the black will go a long way towards minimising costs. READ FULL STORY 20 gorv.com.au FAILURE TO PAY Avoid paying a toll and you could find yourself in a bit of strife. Take New South Wales as a typical example of the consequences of not paying. Not paying a notice will incur an administrative fee of between $10 and $165 – ouch. That’s quite a hit for a toll that started off under $10. QUICK LINKS NSW TAGS & PASSES VISIT WEBSITE QLD TAGS & PASSES VISIT WEBSITE CITYLINK VISIT WEBSITE EASTLINK VISIT WEBSITE Pictured: Bruce and Marg Gow MAINTAIN THE BALANCE Bruce and Marg Gow, the Baby Boomers on the Road, have some common sense advice for dealing with Australia n road tolls “If you maintain a reasonable balance on your toll road account, you will avoid those nasty surprise fines when you return from your holiday,” they told GoRV. “CityLink suggests a minimum of $40, but put more in if you like to cover all bases, including interstate travel. “Our CityLink account notifies us via email when the balance gets under the base amount and, using electronic banking, it’s easy to top that up that night.”