Good Teaching Practices | Page 10

Channeling these topics in the broader scenario outlined by the Asvis and thinking about the 17 goals listed by the United Nations to be reached in the next 15 years, I referred above all to the following objectives: • Goal No. 4: Quality Education • Goal No. 8: Decent work and economic growth • Goal No. 9: Companies, innovation and infrastructures I believe that the topics outlined in this didactic unit can surely come back and reach these goals: it is in a perspective of economic growth in fact that marketing takes the lead and is a flywheel for the promotion of business innovation. At the basis of all this there is, of course, a quality education that will always allow students to develop a critical thinking and a reasoning always to seek a solution to the problems that may arise even in the tasks of reality used in class to check the skills learned; first step to fully understand the true reality that surrounds them. PLAN OF A LU: After a brief reflection on the importance of Marketing in the company and also recalling it as one of the primary activities listed in the "Value chain" by the well-known economist Michael Porter in 1985, I proposed to my class, the following LU that contains the module for the "Marketing mix". I have devised multidisciplinary lessons of business and English economics in order to explain the "4 Ps" (Price, Product, Placement, Promotion) also in the foreign language.