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Living For Christ In the End Times Continued

As C . S . Lewis once put it , “ We are to live like commandos behind the enemy lines , preparing the way for the coming of the Commander-in-Chief .” In other words , we are to live yearning for the day when Jesus will burst from the heavens to bring peace , righteousness , and justice to the earth .
8 ) Look for Jesus —
This brings us to the final guideline I would like to emphasize regarding how to live for Jesus in the end times . The Bible tells us point blank that we are to live “ looking for Jesus ” ( Titus 2 : 13 ).
Most Christians are so caught up in the world that they live thinking about anything but the return of Jesus . This is a sad state of affairs because Jesus ’ return is our “ blessed hope ” ( Titus 2:13 ). And His return is imminent .
Another problem is that most Christians know so little about Bible prophecy that they cannot get excited about the Lord ’ s return . How can you get excited about an event you know nothing about ? Ignorance produces apathy .
And apathy about the Lord ’ s return has tragic consequences . It robs us of an eternal perspective , and it destroys any sense of urgency about reaching lost souls . It also undermines a powerful motivator for holy living .
You see , when a person comes to truly believe that Jesus is returning and may return any moment , that person will be motivated to holiness and evangelism .
Regarding holiness , the Apostle John put it this way : “ We know that when He appears [ the Rapture ], we shall be like Him [ glorified ] . . . And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him , purifies himself , just as He is pure ” ( 1 John 3:2-3 ). Regarding evangelism , Peter writes that the only reason Jesus has not yet returned is because “ God does not wish that any should perish , but that all might come to repentance ” ( 2 Peter 3:9 ).
A Spiritual Mirror Paul provides us with a spiritual mirror for end time conduct . He says we are to “ deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly , righteously and godly in the present age , looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior , Christ Jesus ” ( Titus 2:12-13 ).
When you look into this mirror , what do you see ? Are you walking in the center of God ’ s will ? Have you ordered your priorities to put God first ? Are you standing on the Word of God , testing everything by it ? Do you believe in a personal , caring and allpowerful God who hears prayers and answers prayers , and who still performs miracles ? Are you relying daily on the power of the Holy Spirit ? Are you practicing tough faith , refusing to allow the calamities of life to overwhelm you ? Are you keeping an eternal perspective , refusing to get comfortable with this world ? And are you daily looking for Jesus ? Is the Rapture in your heart ? Is “ Maranatha !” on your lips ?