Good News Press March 2018 Good News Press March 2018

Join the Good News Press Business & Ministry Directory at Join Our Online Directory website: Easter is April 1st March 2018 Plan of Salvation: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. A Message From Good News Press The Christian message is often re- ferred to as the "Gospel," which means "good news." Specifically, it is the good news about Jesus—who He is, what He has done, and what He offers. Essentially, the message is that Jesus was God in the flesh, Official Obituary he comforted his country and the ing Jesus Christ. No one was more that He came into the world to rec- CHARLOTTE, N.C., Feb. 21, world when he spoke at the National surprised than Graham himself. oncile humanity to Himself, and 2018 - Evangelist Billy Graham Cathedral in Washington, following “I was opposed to evangelism,” he that his salvation is freely offered to died today at 7:46 a.m. at his home the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. At said. “But finally, I was persuaded each person who will respond in faith. The Gospel message explains in Montreat. He was 99. three global conferences held in by a friend [to go to a meeting]… Throughout his life, Billy Graham Amsterdam (1983, 1986, 2000), and the spirit of God began to speak that salvation is only possible through the Crucifixion and Resur- preached the gospel of Jesus Christ Graham gathered some 23,000 to me as I went back night after to some 215 million people who at- evangelists from 208 countries and night. One night, when the invitation rection of Jesus. Through his sacri- fice, Jesus paid the price for our sin- tended one of his more than 400 territories to train them to carry the was given to accept Jesus, I just fulness (rebellion against God), thus Crusades, simulcasts and evangelis- message of Jesus Christ around the said, ‘Lord, I’m going.’ I knew I was offering us forgiveness. Then tic rallies in more than 185 countries world. headed in a new direction.” through his Resurrection He con- and territories. He reached millions During the week of his 95th birth- Several years later, Graham’s “new quered death, removing it as the more through TV, video, film, the day in 2013, Graham delivered his direction” led him to the Florida Bi- penalty for our sin and replacing it internet and 34 books. final message via more than 480 tel- ble Institute (now Trinity College of with the offer of eternal life that is Born Nov. 7, 1918, four days before evision stations across the U.S. and Florida), and later, Wheaton College only available from Him to all those that place their faith in Him. Pictured President George H.W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, Billy Graham, Franklin Graham and President Jimmy Carter all came together for the dedication of the Billy Graham Library in 2007. Rev Billy Graham met with over 13 US Presidents and preached to millions. Billy Graham, Evangelist to the World, Dead at Age 99 the armistice ended World War I, William Franklin “Billy” Graham Jr. grew up during the Depression and developed a work ethic that would carry him through decades of ministry on six continents. “I have one message: that Jesus Christ came, he died on a cross, he rose again, and he asked us to re- pent of our sins and receive him by faith as Lord and Savior, and if we do, we have forgiveness of all of our sins,” said Graham at his final Cru- sade in June 2005 at Flushing Mead- ows Corona Park in New York. While Graham’s primary focus was to take this message to the world, he also provided spiritual counsel to presidents, championed desegrega- tion, and was a voice of hope and guidance in times of trial. In 2001, Canada. More than 26,000 churches participated in this My Hope project, making it the Billy Graham Evange- listic Association’s largest evange- listic outreach ever in North Ameri- ca. Preferred Baseball to Religion Graham, a country boy turned world evangelist, who prayed with every U.S. president from Harry S. Tru- man to Barack Obama, was raised on a dairy farm in Charlotte. Back then, “Billy Frank,” as he was called, preferred baseball to reli- gion. “I detested going to church,” he said when recalling his youth. But in 1934, that changed. At a re- vival led by traveling evangelist Mordecai Fowler Ham, 15-year-old Graham committed his life to serv- in suburban Chicago, where he met fellow student Ruth McCue Bell, the daughter of medical missionaries in China. The couple graduated and married in the summer of 1943. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and their five chil- dren made their home in the moun- tains of North Carolina. They were married for 64 years before Ruth’s death in 2007. After two years of traveling as a speaker for the Youth for Christ or- ganization, Billy Graham held his first official evangelistic Crusade in 1947; but it was his 1949 Los Ange- les Crusade that captured the na- tion’s attention. Originally sched- uled to run for three weeks, the “tent continued on next page See Billy Graham