Good News Press January/February 2016 Good News Press Spring 2016 | Page 7

Good News Press - 7 'Risen' the Movie: Does it Pass the Bible Test?  Jesus' appearance to Thomas and the other disciples.  Mary Magdalene is referred to as a prostitute three times (not biblical, see Mark 16:1, Luke 8:2). -- "I think we got it right," stated Joseph Fiennes, a few days after the Caiaphas wants Jesus' body burned. release of the film "Risen" (February 11, 2016). On the positive side, Joseph Fiennes Fiennes plays Clavius, a Roman sol- is believable as Clavius, Jesus (Cliff dier turned investigator ordered by Curtis) displays a subtle selfPontius Pilate to find Jesus' body confidence and the elderly cemetery the fourth movie on this theme. The woman (Clair Agius) interrogated by first was "The Inquiry" (1987), then Clavius - gives an emotionally "Resurrection" (1998) followed ten "kind" performance. years later by "The Final Inquiry" with Dolph Lundgren (Drago from Before seeing 'Risen' Christians Rocky IV). Drago? should read the Gospel accounts surrounding Easter, its participants "Unfortunately, 'Risen' doesn't hold and its aftermath - then put the film up to scriptural and archaeological to the Bible test. Risen' is entertainintegrity. Bible film endorsements ing (its goal) but not necessarily from well-known Christian leaders biblical. since 2006 (The Nativity Story) has been problematic. Mary's pregnancy Rick Dack of Defending the Bible questioned by her father (Did she International wants to hear your sleep with a Herodian soldier?) and opinions about this film Lazarus' resurrection with a kiss to ([email protected]). the head (Son of God) is acceptable Is Dack being too harsh or is he accontent to some but it's not Bible," curate in his analysis? stated Rick Dack of Defending the Bible International Dack encourages his readers to ( The check out "The Gospel of John" following examples from 'Risen' are (2003) and "The Jesus Film" (1979) scripturally problematic. on DVD. "These films are essential educating your family about the  Barabbas dying in battle (hours in life, death and resurrection of Jeafter being released by Pilate?). sus," stated Dack  The crucifixion scenes (location, ( Has your Pastor and Principal addressed Jewish purity laws). media Bible myths and offered a de Clavius' (Roman) compassion fense of the scriptures? If not, your towards the family of Jesus at Golchurch and school needs to invite gotha is fiction. Defending the Bible Int'l. This ministry's "Biographies of the Bible"  "It is finished" are the only classes and presentations supply all words of Jesus from the cross. the answers you will ever need in  The tomb in 'Risen' is not first defense of the scriptures. These century (no corpse tunnel etc.). classes also include 3D animations  Two inebriated soldiers guard of Bible sites, Hollywood stories of faith, archaeological biographies of Jesus' tomb. Bible characters and more. Check  The burial clothes of Jesus are out for strewn (not biblical - John 20:6, 7). class information on over thirty topics including Eden, Noah's Ark, Samson, David and Goliath, Daniel, the  Bartholomew, supposedly depicting joyfulness, embodies a men- Nativity, the Resurrection, Acts and more! tally ill quality. (Christiannewswire release)