GolfPlus Sept 18 Digital Edition (Sept 2018) | Page 45

&OXE1HZV The IGU North Zone Amateur Feeder Tour 2018 ROUND 3: Winner - Nikhil Sharma Winners Pic with Chief Guest - Mr. Dhruv Pal Singh Runner Up - Kaustubh Mishra Hole in 1 - Abhimanyu S. Rathore five bogeys on other holes. Still a solid round of 2 over was enough to achieve the win by 2 shots. The second place was tightly contested with both Anmol Handa and Kritein Gandotra finishing at a score of 148 for two days. Anmol was awarded second place on account of his better showing on day two of the tournament. With the tour well into its midway stage, the race for the top six spots is getting hotter with players improving their performances in a desperate bid to get into the IGU Amateur Main Tour 2019. 2nd Runner Up-Rishi Raj Saini After two days of sweat and toil Manish Thakran finished on top of the leaderboard with a score of 2 over par 146. Thakran fired an eagle and three birdies in the final round but was hampered by a double bogey and he fourth tournament of the IGU North Zone Amateur Feeder Tour 2018 was held at the ITC Classic Golf and Country Club, Manesar. A substantial turnout of players made it a great success, appreciated by all. The course, desig ned by the Golden Bear continues to be the only course in the county bearing his signature. Although one of the most scenic playing venues in the country, it provided a tough challenge for budding players, with high temperatures and humidity complicating matters further. Winner - Manish Thakran 1LNKLO6KDUPDHPHUJHGYLFWRULRXVE\VKRWV LQUGHYHQWRI,*8$PDWHXU)HHGHUKHOGDW WKH *UHJ 1RUPDQ¶V GHVLJQHG -D\SHH *UHHQV JROIFRXUVHLQ*UHDWHU1RLGD*RLQJLQWRWKH ¿QDO GD\ E\ D  VWURNH ZLWK D 'D\  VFRUH RI/HYHO3DU1LNKLOGURSSHGERJH\VLQWKH ¿UVWQLQHKROHV+HUHFRYHUHGZLWKDELUGLHRQ WKHWKKROHEXWGURSSHGPRUHERJH\VLQ 2nd Runner up - Kretein Gandotra WKH QH[W IHZ KROHV ¿QLVKLQJ IRU D  RYHU LQ WRXJK FRXUVH FRQGLWLRQV ZKHUH WHPSHUDWXUHV ZHUHVRDULQJPRUHWKDQGHJUHHV.DXVWXEK 0LVKUDEDJJHGWKHVHFRQGVSRWZLWKDGD\ RYHU 7KH WKLUG VSRW ZDV WLHG EHWZHHQ 5LVKL 5DM 6DLQLDQG3DEOR67RELDEXW5LVKL5DM6DLQL ZDV GHFODUHG WKH QG 5XQQHU XS RQ EHWWHU GolfPlus 2nd Runner up - Kretein Gandotra VFRUHIRUWKHVHFRQGURXQG7KHHYHQWVDZD SDUWLFLSDWLRQRIPRUHWKDQDPDWHXUSOD\HUV IURP DOO RYHU 1RUWK ,QGLD EDWWOLQJ RXW IRU VSRWVIRUWKH,*80DLQ7RXUQH[W\HDU :LQQHU1LNKLO6KDUPD 5XQQHU8S.DXVWXEK0LVKUD QG5XQQHU8S5LVKL5DM6DLQL SEPTEMBER 2018 55