GolfPlus - Nov 19 Digital Edition (Nov 19) | Page 45

Styler 7KHDOOQHZ'X3DJH PDOOHWSXWWHUFRPSOHWHV WKH3DWLQD3XWWHU FROOHFWLRQZLWKD QHZWDNHRQWKH WUDGLWLRQDOPDOOHWGHVLJQ LQFRUSRUDWLQJDVLQJOH EHQGIDFHEDODQFHG GHVLJQ %UDQGQHZMXVWRQWKH PDUNHWWKLVPRQWK7KH 6HULHVIURP6DFNV 3DUHQWHIHDWXUHVDSDWHQWHG 8/%3 8OWUD/RZ%DODQFH 3RLQW WHFKQRORJ\8VLQJ DEDODQFLQJSRLQWEHORZ WKHVROHRIWKHSXWWHU LWSURPRWHVDQDWXUDO SHQGXOXPPRWLRQZLWK PLQLPDOHႇRUWWKDW DXWRPDWLFDOO\VTXDUHV WKHSXWWHUKHDGDWLPSDFW DQGLPSURYHV\RXUVSHHG FRQWURO 7KH6LJPD9DORUIURP 3LQJLVWKHKLJKHVW02, 6LJPDSXWWHUPRGHOWR GDWH7KHFRXQWHUEDODQFHG PDOOHWLVHQJLQHHUHGZLWK DJUDPKHDGDQG FXVWRPEXLOWZLWKD´JULS DQGD´VKDIWZLWK JUDPVDGGHGWRWKHEXWW HQGWRSURPRWHDVWDEOH SHQGXOXPVW\OHPRWLRQWKDW WDNHVWKHZULVWVRXWRIWKH VWURNH for choosing a putter are as follows: *Shaft length - The length of your putter will dictate your posture and, in turn, where your eyes are at address. Getting it right will help you monitor face alignment. The eyes have it. *Head type - Optimally yours should suit your swing arc, plus your strengths and weaknesses. While mallets of all shapes tend to offer extra stability, they can come at the cost of feel. *Your preferences – No question, putting is a confi dence game, so you need to like the shape, fi nish and sightlines on your putter, as well as its weight and feel. Get a Grip. There’s also an array of grip sizes and materials to choose from. There’s the standard size that match your other clubs, but what a thicker grip can do is take your hands and wrists out of the stroke, which is what golfers seek to do to improve their putting. The downside of that is you won’t get the same level of feel of a standard grip this is because the vibrations coming up the shaft will be dampened down. So, if you are a feel putter or have a stroke that involves a lot of wrist action, then you are more suited to a standard grip. And after all that and you still can’t decide which brand to go with, much like what the magical name of Andretti is to motor racing, a golfer can’t go wrong with those manufacturers ending in “I”- Piretti and Bettinardi. Still, the fi rms that lead the way and are the best bet to keep your strokes on the green down, are those that have been committed to being on the cutting edge of refi ning the fl at stick for years including - Ben Hogan, Scotty Cameron/ Titleist, Taylor Made, Ping and Odyssey/ Callaway. So, what’s trending with putters and what tips do the experts have for us? “There seem to be a couple of trends right now: First, golfers are looking for more stability and/or minimal ‘face twist’. Bigger heads and larger grips help with this and allow golfers to keep the putter face online longer,” observed Hogan’s White. “We’re seeing a lot more interest in the putter shaft,” noted Williams. “The ability to completely re-balance the putter in a way that helps golfers square the face more consistently has been a major breakthrough and it continues to grow in popularity week by week on the Tours around the world and in the marketplace.” “The eyeline is crucial to golfers in understanding which type of putter best suits their address position and stroke. They have to be comfortable with the shape of the putter and how they release the putter, whether they are square-to-square or have more of a toe- type of stroke. So, the individual golfers’ set up and eyeline is important and why we would recommend getting custom fi t,” explained Chris Trott, Director of Sports Marketing, Putters & Wedges for Taylor Made. “The MOI (Moment of Inertia) of a putter is a measurement of its resistance to twisting on off-center hits. The greater the fi gure, the more stable your putter will be and that is the big story in putters right now and how mallets and blades can deliver this through technology and shape, as well as provide the player with stability to hit more consistent putts more often.” Birdies don’t come cheap, but when your ball falls into that hole you’ll be proudly raising that putter in the air not thinking about the price tag, but rather the joy, that pure joy of reducing your strokes in more ways than one. GolfPlus NOVEMBER 2019 49