GolfPlus - Nov 19 Digital Edition (Nov 19) | Page 44

Styler THE PUTTER By Randy O. Williams hey say putting is an art form. Well if that is the case, the canvas is fi lled with odd angles and tricky undulations so how do you choose the right brush for that fast 8-foot downhiller with a double break or the 60-footer you have to run across the entire green just to get it close for the chance to save par? And with so many options, one could suffer a stroke trying to reduce your strokes! I mean come on - Toe Balanced Putters, Blade Putters, Peripheral Weighted Putters, Mallet Putters, Metal Faced Putters, Insert Faced Putters, Groove Faced Putters. Center-shafted putters… the list is almost endless, what to do? “It’s really important not to fall in love with the shape, style, or graphics of a specifi c putter without understanding what kind of putting stroke you have,” said Scott White, President/CEO, Ben Hogan Golf Equipment Company. “If you don’t match a putter to your specifi c putting style, you aren’t going to putt well. It’s as simple as that.” Thus one of the fi rst tips is to get a customized fi t to ensure that the loft and lie angle match your stroke. “If they have somewhere to go to get fi t, they should really start there,” concurred Luke Williams, Sr. Global Director – Odyssey Putters by Callaway. “Short of that, you should look for a putter that you are able to align well and consistently. Golfers in general, even Tour players, struggle with alignment and if you are not aligned with where you want to start your putt, everything else breaks down you have to make compensations, or a bad stroke, to make putts. It’s also very important to have a putter with a rotational value that matches your stroke.” With that in mind, the basic considerations 7KH%HQ+RJDQ3UHFLVLRQ 0LOOHG)RUJHG3OXPEHU¶V1HFN %ODGHSXWWHUDUHSDUWRIWKH¿UVW ÀDWVWLFNVIURPWKHLFRQLFEUDQG LQFORVHWR\HDUV,W¶VPDGH IURPVRIWFDUERQVWHHOXWLOL]LQJ DPXOWLSOHVWHSIRUJLQJSURFHVV IRUDGGHGFRQVLVWHQF\DQGIHHO ZKLOHHQKDQFHGGXUDELOLW\DQG JODUHUHVLVWDQFHLVSURYLGHGE\ DSURSULHWDU\'LDPRQG%ODFN 0HWDO¿QLVK :LWKWKHLU6WURNH/DESXWWHUV2G\VVH\LV SXWWLQJWKHIRFXVVRPHZKHUHQHZWKHVKDIW :LWKDPL[WXUHRIJUDSKLWHDQGVWHHOWKH\¶YH PRYHGZHLJKWLQDQHႇRUWWRLPSURYH\RXU WHPSRRQWKHJUHHQ7KHQHZLW¶VDOODERXW WKHUROO 5HSODFLQJWKH)XWXUDOLQHWKH 6FRWW\&DPHURQ3KDQWRP;LV WDSHUHGWRZDUGVWKHKHHODQG WRHWRJLYHWKHYLVXDOLPSUHVVLRQ WKDWLWLVKXJJLQJWKHJURXQGDW DGGUHVV$QGVSHDNLQJRIYLVXDOV DQHZIHDWXUHLVWKHXVHRIQHRQ \HOORZRQEODFNDOLJQPHQWOLQHV 48 G o l f P l u s NOVEMBER 2019