GolfPlus - Nov 19 Digital Edition (Nov 19) | Page 26

ON THE PGA TO UR GRIFFIN’S INCREDIBLE JOURNEY LEADS TO AN EMOTIONAL WIN JUSTIN THOMAS WINS FOR SECOND TIME AT THE CJ CUP t was the second win on JeJu Island in three years for Thomas as he held off a plucky crowd favorite in Danny Lee by two shots. The 26-year-old former FedExCup winner has now converted eight of 11 54-hole lead/co leads into victory. He fi nds a way. And while those watching him are very impressed with such resolve Thomas isn’t ready to adopt the closer title just yet. “I don’t think you can ever necessarily call yourself the best closer. I’ve only won 11 times. I feel like once I get to 40 or 50 times and I’ve closed a lot of those, then I think that’s kind of different,” Thomas says. Yes, this Kentucky product already has 40 or 50 wins on his mind. And why not, he’s well and truly on his way. But truly, he’s modest. Because on Sunday, Lee was playing spoiler for sure. Like a pesky terrier the Korean born contender was making the clutch putts when it mattered. He wasn’t backing down and was riding a wave of emotion. hen the decisive 6-foot par putt fell Sunday at the Houston Open, Lanto Griffi n raised both arms in celebration while a look of rapturous disbelief crossed his face. Then he started sobbing, the long, unique and heartbreaking journey to becoming a PGA TOUR winner fueling his emotions. Some 1,200 miles away in Roanoke, Virginia, Steve Prater was jumping for joy, his head nearly reaching the ceiling. It had been the same reaction the day before when Griffi n holed a bunker shot for a much-needed birdie. “I’ve jumped so much this week that I’ve got a headache,” Prater said. Prater is the Director of Instruction at Roanoke Country Club, but several years ago he worked at Blacksburg Country Club. That’s where he met Griffi n, who back then was a boy with self-described “hippies” for parents -- including his dad, Michael, who managed a health food store and knew a little about baseball and soccer, but not as much about golf. WALKER INDUCTED INTO TEXAS GOLF HALL OF FAME L[WLPH 3*$ 7285 ZLQQHU -LPP\ :DONHU KRQRUHG 0RQGD\ ZLWK LQGXFWLRQ LQWR WKH7H[DV *ROI +DOO RI )DPH VDLG KH ZDV WDNLQJ WKH /RQH 6WDU 6WDWH¶V KLJKHVW JRO¿QJ KRQRU ZLWK KLV IXOO WLPHZRUNZLWKQHZWHDFKHU0DWW.LOOHQDV FRQ¿GHQFH KH FDQ UHWXUQ WR JROI¶V KLJKHVW OHYHOV³7KLVLVDQLFHKRQRUWREHUHFRJQL]HG E\ \RXU KRPH VWDWH IRU JROI DORQJ ZLWK EHLQJ UHFRJQL]HG E\ P\ VFKRRO %D\ORU 8QLYHUVLW\ IRU WKHLU DWKOHWLF KDOO RI IDPH EXW , KDYH UHDOO\ GRQH LW DOO LQ P\ FDUHHU´ :DONHU VDLG DW WKH DIWHUQRRQ LQGXFWLRQV FHUHPRQLHV DW WKH $: 7LOOLQJKDVW  GHVLJQHG %UDFNHQULGJH 3DUN 7H[DV¶ ¿UVW SXEOLFJROIFRXUVH ³,¶YHJRWP\FDUG,¶YHORVWP\FDUG,¶YH ZRQ DW HYHU\ OHYHO ,¶YH SOD\HG WKH 5\GHU &XS3UHVLGHQWV&XSPDGHELJSXWWVZRQ ELJHYHQWV,ZDVUDQNHGDVKLJKDWWKLQ WKH ZRUOG DQG DW DJH  , VWLOO ZDQW WR GR LWDJDLQ´ 30 G o l f P l u s NOVEMBER 2019