GolfPlus - June 2020 | Page 15

DER TALITY er and how he chased immortality, to remind us ur life – death. ��������������������������� lanet, still trying to things, how would it is! There is a story Great. I don’t know reat.” What is great m the age of sixteen when he died, for top, the man fought, people – people would just come to he people and say What has he done quence or any good being? What has he uence or any good an utterly idiotic life le man. He is called at” but they forgot his d be “Alexander the D THE YOGI ught many other ife, also sought he wanted to world with his might. y he has conquered orld at that time and esperate because needed much more ������������������� l. In search of rally came towards any stories had d he had heard a lot People had told him yogis were immortal so he was eager to meet one. He sent a team of soldiers ahead of the rest of the army and told them, “Get me a yogi.” After a search, they found a yogi sitting in meditation. The soldiers said, “Come with us. Our Emperor wants you.” The yogi replied, “I am not going anywhere. If your Emperor wants, let him come here. He is most welcome but I am not going anywhere.” When they heard this they pulled out their swords, “Either you come with us or we cut your ���������������������������������������� laughed and said, “Okay, take my head. What is he going to do with my head. Let him take it. Anyway I have reached a ������������������������������������������ everything that I have to do. I am just waiting to go. You have come to assist me.” The soldiers had never seen anything like this. These soldiers were deadly people. It was nothing for them to take a life. The moment they pull their swords out everyone trembled. But this man says, “Okay. Take it.” They did not know what to do. They went back to Alexander and told him, “We met a yogi.” “Where is he, where is he?” “He is not willing to come.” “Why didn’t you drag him and come?” “No, he is not that kind. He is not even afraid. We threatened to take his head but he says, ‘Take it.’” Alexander thought, “If he said, ‘Take my head, I am not bothered,’ he must be immortal. I want to meet him.” Alexander