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Feature The word “yoga” fundamentally means “union”, but generally for most people today in the world, yoga means asanas. Asanas are just a small preparatory aspect of yoga. Yoga is not a practice, a particular action or posture – it is a way of being. When a person begins to experience everything as a part of himself, he is in yoga. Intellectually whatever we say about it, at the most it will make you curious to know more about it or inspire you to walk the path of yoga. We can never say what yoga is in words, but if a person is willing, experiencing yoga is very much possible. GP: Why it is necessary for life? Sadhguru: It is not that yoga is necessary for life. Life is possible only if there is yoga. Yoga is your inner nature. Whether it is necessary or not does not arise. What you call as life is yoga. When you start experiencing life in its totality, when your experience of life becomes all-inclusive, that is yoga. Yoga is something which is, always. Only if you are in touch with it, you live a life of fulfi llment. Fundamentally, every human being is seeking fulfi llment in every action that they perform. If this has to come, the only way is yoga. When I say “yoga”, it need not necessarily be in the form of a practice. Yoga means that which allows you to reach your higher nature. Every single action that you perform in your life can be made into yoga, if you develop a keener sense of awareness. Now, the methods that we are teaching are just that, to make even the process of breath into yoga. In fact, every involuntary function and every chemical reaction that happens in the body can be made into yoga. Whatever devices or methods a person may use to break through his limitations into his unlimited nature, unless he breaks through one way or the other, he will never see fulfi llment. GP: What are the benefi ts of yoga? Sadhguru: I normally never talk about the benefi ts, because I consider them as the side effects of yoga. People may initially come to yoga because it offers a variety of health benefi ts and a way to become free from stress. There are defi nitely physical and mental benefi ts. One can experience remarkable changes in terms of being peaceful, joyful and healthy. And there are many people who have come out of their chronic ailments quite miraculously. But that is not the essential nature of what yoga is. The fundamental objective of yoga is to make your experience of life so large and all-inclusive that instead of being an individual, you become a universal process. You will see it will yield phenomenal results. When the physical dimensions of yoga were fi rst taught, it was expounded as to how to align this human system to the cosmic geometry. If you get it perfectly aligned, all the friction is taken off. Internal friction means you are working against yourself; you are an issue by yourself. When you are an issue by yourself, what other issue can you handle? Everything is stressful. As you take on more activity in the world, the challenges will multiply endlessly. That is why your own body, mind, emotions and energy should work for you, and not be stumbling blocks in your life. If these four are properly aligned, suddenly this body and this mind can do things that you have not thought possible in your wildest dreams. People will think you are superhuman. Whether it is business, home, love or war, you will do it with a certain level of effi ciency and competence. This is because in a most essential way, somehow, either consciously or unconsciously, you found the geometry of existence. You may remember in the 70s and 80s, there was an aluminium antenna on top of your house. If it was aligned properly, the whole world poured into your sitting room through your television, just because you got it into the right position. Similarly, this body has a tremendous capability. If you hold it right, you can download the whole cosmos. As we looked at it earlier, the word “yoga” means union. Union means the distinction is gone between what is individual and universal. When everything has become you – that means you are in yoga. Not because you imagined something, but because you perceived. Learning to hold this body right is like adjusting your antenna – if you hold this right, the whole existence pours into you. It is a tremendous instrument of perception. This is what hatha yoga is all about. GP: Why does the world need an International Yoga Day? Sadhguru: Since Adiyogi, the fi rst yo gi, taught the science of yoga a little over 15000 years ago, many things have happened in terms of propagating yoga. Many administrations in the form of kings took to yoga and actively spread the knowledge. During Krishna’s time, he wanted to fuse the political system and the spiritual process. Unfortunately most people do not recognize his tremendous effort. People are only talking about the excessive butter he might have eaten and the girls, the fl ute and the cows. All that was limited to his childhood. Throughout his adult life, he started over 1000 ashrams across the northern plains of this country, but he has gone without acknowledgment. This is the body of his work because he did not want the spiritual process to be an archaic practice somewhere in some ashram. He wanted this to spread across the society. Above all, his intention was that those who rule the nations must be spiritual in nature. Particularly in the last 12-15 years we have made many efforts to reach out to people who are the leaders of nations, in order for them to have some spiritual process in their life. Above all, today for the fi rst time, the head of a major nation on the planet is talking about yoga in public in an international forum. 177 countries got together to pass the resolution for an International Day of Yoga. Never before in the history of United Nations have so many countries voted for anything. It is wonderful that the United Nations has declared 21st June as the International Day of Yoga. The coming year is a historic event in many ways because this could be a foundation stone to make the scientifi c approach to the inner wellbeing of the human being available worldwide. That is, you do not have to look up, look down or seek celestial help because the quality of human wellbeing essentially originates from within. If you want to fi x it or mess it up, both can be done only within you. An International Day of Yoga means the world is beginning to accept human wellbeing is within us. It is a tremendous step for the world. A vertical scale up of yogic practice on the planet can happen. This day is timed on the summer solstice, at the beginning of Dakshinayana, which indicates the shifting of the relationship between the sun and the planet from north to south. On this day Adiyogi turned south and then delivered this whole dimension of yoga, opening up this possibility of understanding the mechanics of the human being in relation to the mechanics of the cosmos and how one can transcend it. It is truly wonderful that this phenomenal happening is being recognized as the International Day of Yoga. GolfPlus JULY 2017 15