GolfPlus Feb19 Digital Edition (Feb 19) | Page 38

TOP 50 TEACHER Gareth Johnston PGA Professional and Director of Golf at Calcot Park, Berkshire PLAY BETTER Four steps to… A BETTER BACKSWING 1 H ere is a four-step drill that makes it easier to find good shape at the top. Repeat it until the position you find begins to feel familiar… then use it as a reference for your top-of-the-backswing position during the swing itself. 2 TAKE YOUR STANCE LOAD THE WRISTS Play the ball just forward of centre. Make sure your lead ear is just behind the ball; this will help you pivot just behind it as you make your backswing. 3 Hinge the club vertically upwards, past your trail ear, and let it rest on your trail shoulder. Keep your elbows close to your sides. Note how this action effectively cocks your wrists. 4 BACK TO TARGET PUSH YOUR HANDS TO 10 O’CLOCK Now rotate your torso through 90-degrees until your back is facing the target. This pivot, troublesome to many club players, becomes easier when your arms are tucked and relaxed. 44 GolfPlus FEBRUARY 2019 Finally, push your arms out to 10 o’clock to add width and extension. You are now rotated, with your wrists hinged and your weight positioned powerfully to move into impact.