GolfPlus- Dec19 Digital Edition (Dec 19) | Page 28

O N T H E P G A TO U R BRENDON TODD WINS AT MAYAKOBA fter every missed cut, Brendon Todd would go home and tell his wife that he could play his way out of this. Rachel Todd, whose brother had played at Auburn but who hardly considered herself an expert on the game, nodded and offered what she could in the way of support. Then she went back to caring for their kids, now 1, 3 and 5. “It wasn’t that we were running out of money,” Rachel said by phone as Brendon won the rain-delayed Mayakoba Golf Classic at El Camaleón Golf Club on Monday, his second PGA TOUR win in as many starts after falling off the map for three years. “It was, we need to look into other options, what would be best for our family. Our ¿ nancial advisor came and sat down with us.” They set up a meeting to potentially franchise a Your Pie, the pizza restaurant that started in their hometown of Athens, Georgia. Then, almost a year ago to the day, Todd shot a 61 to Monday-qualify for The RSM Classic, the beginning of his comeback. Some 365 days later, here he is, transformed. Todd (68, 20 under par) held it together in even par for his last four holes early Monday morning and watched as playing partner Vaughn Taylor (68, T2) left his 15-foot birdie try one rotation short on the 18th hole. Todd dominates in win at Bermuda Championship UHQGRQ7RGGUDQDZD\ZLWKWKH%HUPXGD &KDPSLRQVKLSRQ6XQGD\IRUKLVVHFRQG 3*$7285WLWOHVKRRWLQJDXQGHU DIWHUÀLUWLQJZLWKDVXEURXQGDWFDOP 3RUW5R\DO*ROI&OXE 1HHGLQJ WR ELUGLH WKH ¿QDO WZR KROHV WR VKRRW 7RGGPLVVHGDIRRWELUGLHWU\RQWKHSDU WKDQGFORVHGZLWKDERJH\DIWHUWDNLQJWKUHH VKRWVWRUHDFKWKHJUHHQRQWKHSDUWK+H ¿QLVKHGDWXQGHUIRUDIRXUVWURNHYLFWRU\ RYHU+DUU\+LJJVLQWKH¿UVW\HDUHYHQW 7ZR VWURNHV EHKLQG +LJJV HQWHULQJ WKH ¿QDO URXQG7RGGRSHQHGZLWKDSDUWKHQELUGLHGWKH QH[WVHYHQ7KH\HDUROGIRUPHU8QLYHUVLW\RI *HRUJLDSOD\HUDOVRELUGLHG1RVDQG 7ZR PRQWKV DIWHU UHJDLQLQJ KLV 7285 FDUG LQ WKH.RUQ)HUU\7RXU)LQDOV7RGGHDUQHGDWZR \HDUH[HPSWLRQDQGHQWU\LQWRVHYHUDO KLJKSUR¿OH HYHQWV LQFOXGLQJ 7+( 3/$<(56 &KDPSLRQVKLS +H ZRQ WKH  $7 7 %\URQ 1HOVRQIRU¿UVW3*$7285WLWOH 32 G o l f P l u s DECEMBER 2019