GolfPlus Dec18 Digital Edition (Dec18) | Page 23

Styler 7KHQHZ$GLSRZHU 25*('6LVEDVHG RQFRQVXPHUUHVHDUFK ZKHUHDGLGDVORRNHG DWKRZZHLJKWVKLIWVLQ WKHIHHWGXULQJWKHJROI VZLQJ7KH\XWLOL]HGD QHZWHFKQLTXHWRSURYLGH PRUHVWDELOLW\IRUJROIHUV \HWVWLOOJLYHVSOD\HUV PRUHHQHUJ\UHWXUQDQG LVWRXWHGDVWKHEHVW FXVKLRQLQJLQWKHJDPH 7KLV3HUIRUPDQFH 1\ORQ:RYHQ 6KLUWIURP'RQDOG 5RVVRIIHUHGLQD WLPHOHVVJLQJKDP FKHFNSDWWHUQZLOO EH\RXUJRWRVKLUW IRUWUDYHOLQJZLWKLWV HDVHRIFDUH can benefi t with the gift of a fi rst-class portable charger. MyCharge offers a state-of-the-art version with the distinct HubPlus C that features an integrated USB-C cable with Quick Charge. The Quick charge 3.0 is a Qualcomm technology that delivers up to 4x faster charge, but there is a more practical reason to have one, especially on the road. “They are perfect to ensure you are never stranded again. No need to rely on cables and wall outlets. Make sure you are always powered to connect you to your loved ones, especially in emergencies,” reminded MyCharge’s Alecia Zack. In addition to having a quality portable charger to take with them, if your giftee is often packing for an outdoor adventure such as fi shing, hunting or going on safari, you’ll do well to search the Orvis Apparel catalog online for their present as that is the long-established company’s specialty. In dressing well for the home gatherings or going on the road to visit relatives and friends, a reliable and quality shopping source is Donald Ross Sportswear who are equally adept at producing quality garments for on and off the golf course. You will also fi nd that Blair Apparel can be particularly handy come the Holiday Season as they have cleverly developed expandable waistlines on their pants and stretch dress shirts to help us all through the festive period that often brings with it a few extra pounds. Speaking of clothing as gifts, when searching for something that your golf pals will enjoy, everyone who takes to the links can use a light rain jacket such as the Climaproof version from Adidas to pull out of their bag when the weather turns. But if you really want to bestow a distinct golf gift with the others in your regular foursome, try a classic den caddy. The miniature golf bag has a wide range of uses in the recipients’ home or offi ce. Get prepared by making your list now, as smart shopping makes for Happy Holidays! 7KH:RRO\7HFK)OHHFHIURP 'RQDOG5RVVFRPELQHVWKH WH[WXUHGORRNRID6FRWWLVK VKHWODQGZRROZLWKWKHVW\OLQJ DQGHDV\ZHDUFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRID SHUIRUPDQFHIOHHFH 7KH0HUFHUL]HG&RWWRQ 3LQSRLQW6SRUW6KLUWIURP 'RQDOG5RVVLVPDGH RIVRIWSUHPLXPFRWWRQ 7KLVVPDUWVHDVRQDO FKHUU\WDWWHUVDOFKHFN SDWWHUQDGGVDVXEWOH DQGHIIHFWLYHSRSRIFRORU ZKLOHVWLOODOORZLQJIRU YHUVDWLOHRXWILWWLQJ 7KLV&OLPDSURRI*ROI -DFNHWIURP$GLGDVLV EXLOWZLWKVHDPVHDOHG SURWHFWLRQIURPWKHUDLQ ZLQGDQGVQRZ0DGH RIVPRRWKWZLOOIDEULF LWIHDWXUHVDGMXVWDEOH KRRNDQGORRSFXIIVWRKHOS NHHSWKHHOHPHQWVRXW %DFNYHQWVSURYLGHWDUJHWHG YHQWLODWLRQWKURXJKRXW \RXUURXQG &ODVVLFVW\OHDQGHDVHRIFDUHLVZKDW\RX JHWZLWKWKLV:ULQNOH5HVLVWDQW6KRUW6OHHYH 2[IRUG6KLUWIURP%ODLU 7KLVLQGHSWKELRJUDSK\RI JROILFRQ7LJHU:RRGVE\ UHVSHFWHGVSRUWVMRXUQDOLVWV -HII%HQHGLFWDQG$UPHQ .HWH\LDQKDVEHFRPHD EHVWVHOOHU ,QVSLUHGE\WKHFODVVLF %DUDFXWDMDFNHWIURPWKH V WKLV3HUIRUPDQFH&OXE-DFNHW IURP'RQDOG5RVVVSHDNV WRWKHJROIWUDGLWLRQDOLVW,WV WLPHOHVVVW\OLQJLQFOXGHVVRIW OLJKWZHLJKWPLFURVXHGHERG\ IXOOWZRZD\]LSSHUWZRORZHU IURQWSRFNHWVUDJODQVOHHYH FRQVWUXFWLRQNQLWFXIIVDQG ERWWRP :LWKLQWKHVHFODVVLF VW\OHSDQWV\RX OO DSSUHFLDWHWKHKLGGHQ FRPIRUWLQ$GMXVW$ %DQGVODFNVIURP%ODLU DQ\WLPH\RXQHHGD OLWWOHH[WUDIUHHGRPRI PRYHPHQW GolfPlus DECEMBER 2018 29