Golf Catalog | Page 76

GROWTH REGULATORS PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS CUTLESS® GRANULAR CUTLESS® MEC Landscape Growth Regulator Turf Growth Regulator A systemic plant growth regulator for shoot growth suppression in landscape ornamentals, resulting in more compact growth form and reduced trimming, in an easy to apply granular formulation. Cutless improves turfgrass playability, reduces mowing time, reduces clippings, improves water utilization, makes turf more wear resistant and improves turfgrass color and appearance. FEATURES ∂∂ Selectivity suppresses the growth of Poa annua to a greater degree than desirable perennial turfgrasses ∂∂ Greater “regrowth” potential on bentgrass vs. other growth regulators leading to faster conversion ∂∂ Poa annua conversion with no disruption to the playability of the turfgrass ∂∂ Improved turfgrass quality ∂∂ Less impact on bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass compared to paclobutrazol formulations ∂∂ Increased plant density or compact gr owth habit ∂∂ Decreased internode length ∂∂ Darker green foliage ∂∂ No negative flowering response ∂∂ Plant stress conditioning effects associated with PGR's SKU DESCRIPTION 1019668 Cutless Granular PGR 21 lb pail LEGACY ® Turf Growth Regulator Legacy incorporates patented synergistic growth regulation technology resulting from its dual sites of action and absorption. FEATURES ∂∂ Premiere product for turfgrass enhancement and growth suppression ∂∂ Improved turfgrass color and quality ∂∂ Extended spray intervals ∂∂ Reduced “bronzing” ∂∂ Elimination of the “rebound” effect found with trinexapac-ethyl ∂∂ Uniform growth regulation on mixed turfgrass species ∂∂ Stops and reduces Poa annua populations SKU DESCRIPTION 091450 Legacy PGR 2.5 gal FEATURES SKU DESCRIPTION 0916040 Cutless MEC 1 gal 0916000 Cutless MEC 2.5 gal EDGELESS® Turf Growth Regulator Edgeless integrates patented turf growth regulator technology to control the growth of grass and reduce string trimming requirements of both warm- and coolseason turfgrass. FEATURES ∂∂ Eliminate string trimming for up to 8 weeks ∂∂ Increased profit from reallocation of labor to other projects ∂∂ Easy to follow calibration and application instructions ∂∂ Improvement over total vegetation herbicide treatments or scalping caused by string trimmers ∂∂ Less damage to the base of trees, fences, and posts due to string trimming SKU DESCRIPTION 191757 Edgeless PGR 8 oz. 75