Golden Box Book Publishing Who Stole Terry's Music Box | Page 13

“I’m pretty sure of that, too,” Oliver replied. “But how are we going to find him?” Terry asked. “Elves live in the magical world, don’t they?” “Yes, they do,” Pansy answered with a huge smile. “But, animals and people with magical abilities can cross the portal between the worlds.” “Oh, that’s exciting!” Terry said. “Then I can go through the portal because I have magical abilities. I can talk to animals. Pansy, you can find the scent of the elf. You can follow his scent and lead us to him.” “Elves don’t have a scent,” Pansy replied bowing her head sadly. “But I do!” Terry said with a glee. “My scent is on the music box because I touch it all the time. You can follow my scent.” “That is the best idea that I heard all day!” Oliver said. “Let’s go and find the scent trail, Pansy.” 13