Golden Box Book Publishing Read to Help Animals | Page 7

Feeling worried, I stood up. Past experiences taught us to be cautious when Crow was around. He was a bully and attacked our gentle natured dog to show her who’s boss when he wasn’t securely tied up on the leash. I was watching Carl approaching his dog, but before he could get close, Crow bolted and ran toward us. My hubby yelled, and his friend tried to catch the dog but slipped on the grass and fell to his knees. I watched in horror as Lucky cowered behind my hubby. Suddenly, we heard a loud meow. I saw Miau darting, charging like a bullet toward the approaching Rottweiler. She pounced, let out a furious growl and sank her needle-sharp claws into the huge dog’s face. Crow let out a painful cry and tried to shake the cat off his face. Miau wouldn’t let go and she kept growling furiously. Carl finally caught up with the Rottweiler and clipped the leash on his collar. My hubby tried to peel Miau off the dog’s face. After a brief struggle, the tiny, growling and hissing furball pulled her sharp claws out of Crow’s face and let him go. Hubby put Miau down. The cat puffed her hair, hissed indignantly a few times, and then walked over to our shaking dog. The cat licked Lucky’s face as if she was saying, “Don’t worry about that thug, buddy. I’ve got your back.” The three of them crossed the rainbow bridge long ago and I’d like to believe that Miau and Lucky have found each other there, too. And I also like to believe that if Crow tries to bully Lucky, Miau is right by her side to protect her best buddy. The next story from the book is a true story from my nursing years. I wrote the children’s book, A Basketful of Kittens in memory of little Johnny.