Golden Box Book Publishing Read to Help Animals | Page 12

A thought-provoking, futuristic, romantic short story. Will people feel the emotions of loss in the future as deeply as we do today? How far will they be willing to go in finding the happiness they lost? Caleb lost his Valerie. Will he find her? This story is included in the book, Rainbows and Clouds EBOOK A short snippet from the story The bright Spring sun bathed the budding trees with warm sunshine and tickled the grassroots to life. Petals fallen from the magnolia tree covered the ground, but the slight breeze sent chills through Valerie. The young, slender woman with long, brown hair wrapped herself inside a warm sweater. When she reached her destination in the secluded corner of the cemetery, tears welled up in her eyes as she ran her fingers over the name, Caleb Winston, carved into the marble gravestone. Everyone keeps telling me I should be over the mourning period by now. She thought, sighing deeply. As she sat down on the bench by the side of the grave, she let the tears fall for the first time in a week. She allowed herself to cry only when she’d made her weekly walk to the cemetery. She hid her sadness and tears from her family and friends. They kept telling her she was only eighteen and had her whole life ahead of her, so there was no reason for her to hold on to the boy she once loved.