Golden Box Book Publishing Look, I Can Talk With My Fingers | Page 9

“I have some good news. Finally, mom let me have a mouse.” Sandra boasted happily. Grandma Rosa wasn’t sure if she had heard the words correctly. Sadness washed over her for a second, but then she thought, I’m not going to let this illness beat me. I’m not going to let it make me sad and take away my happiness. She turned to Sandra, winked at her and answered, Sorry, dear, what did you say? My hearing went away, Did you say house or mouse? Your voice sounded far away. Sandra giggled when she realized that her grandmother wanted to play the rhyming game they used to play when she was younger. Sandra smiled winking back at her grandmother playfully. She had an idea that she thought would help. She grabbed her IPad and showed her grandma the picture of a mouse and rhymed, You can’t hear, but that’s okay, Your eyes are here to