Golden Box Book Publishing GBBP Magazine, June, 2017 | Page 24

split half and half between men and women . The novices are similarly split . They are chosen as infants from many different countries and races . The duty of some of our novices is to identify those less than three years of age as suitable candidates for investiture into our order . I am proud to say that their success rate is over ninety five per cent . What you may not know is that some of our recent plans have been thwarted . There is a power growing in the east . We have invited Grona to lead a team to resolve this matter . There will be two novices joining them . Both of them have been trained in warfare and have other talents . I see you wish to speak Grona .”
“ Bollocks to that . We fight alone ; we don ’ t need help from any other men , no matter how able they are to swing a blade they are .”
“ Who said anything about men ? You should know by now that we are always split 50 / 50 .”
Grona opened his mouth , and then shut it . The words would not flow . Abastor waved his arm , and a man and women stood up . Lowis jumped to his feet . “ Are you mad ? You think women can fight ? Pah ! They can fire a bow , but in close combat , they couldn ’ t win a fight with a tom cat .”
“ Perhaps you would like a demonstration from Ake , and his lady friend , Brenna .”
A shaven headed women , clad only in a fur loin cloth and leather tunic walked over to Lowis , grabbed his arm , and twisted . Sweat poured off his face as he tried to prevent her from tearing his arm from the socket . Using his other hand he punched her in the stomach . She grinned , her dark grey eyes as empty as a granite cliff . Lowis placed his free fingers into her eyes . As they began to bore in , she pushed him away , leaving them both breathing hard . “ And the other one ?” Grona said . A knife flew through the air . “ You missed .” “ Did I ?” Said Ake , his voice soft and casual . Much shorter than Grona , he looked more like an acrobat than a warrior .