Golden Box Book Publishing GBBP Magazine, June, 2017 | Page 19

Excerpt from the book The steps led onto another, steeper path. Grona walked forward warily. More steps emerged as they rounded a corner. As the four of them approached the first, Grona paused. He carefully placed his foot on the stone and the terrible fear returned. Without delaying the inevitable he raced upwards. More hesitantly, each one of his band followed Grona’s lead. Lying on the floor each of them gasped for breath. Ammett closed his eyes, willing his brain to remove the dead people. “They clearly do not want visitors,” Lowis said, as images of evil flooded his mind. “Only the stupid would climb higher,” Terryn retorted. “Stay on the beach, you die, or take the stairs and be afraid. Lovely people, whoever they are,” Lowis continued. “I’m bloody cold,” Ammett said his breathing ragged. He undid an old cloth from around his neck, squeezed it as hard as he could, before wiping his face. Terryn shook his head at the pointless act. “With all that ale in your veins, it’s no wonder you’re always cold.” Grona said nothing as he stood up, yet inside his mind swirled with possibilities and questions. Were these Souls testing our courage, or did they seek proof of our survival powers? Not for the first time did he ask why he had allowed himself to be seduced with a golden promise. They could see the path snaking around the mountain, and all the time rising higher. As usual, Ammett brought up the rear, stumbling along, keeping his thoughts to himself. A flatter section appeared, and at the end of it a deep shadow cast darkness over the track and a small portion of the rock. “Stay close, stay sharp and keep quiet,” Grona said. “They must know we are coming,” Terryn said. “Just, do it.” A cleverly designed arch had been cut into the rock face, the surfaces rough and uneven. The shadow gave the rock depth. Without it the entrance could easily be missed as it cunningly 19