Golden Box Book Publishing April Issue, 2017 | Page 17

Mary Ann Vitale is a bilingual award-winning author of children's books. She has published fourteen books. She writes her books in English, Italian and Sicilian. Her first published book, The Water Lily Fairy won the 2013 YATR Literary Awards Best Children's Book. Her latest book, The Street Where the Dollar Tree Grew won the 2014 LSOR Reviewers Choice Awards. Her books can be purchased on Amazon, Walmart, Barnes & Noble and worldwide.

Children's book

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The winner of the 2013 YATR Literary Awards Best Children's Book.

The Water Lily Fairy is a story of a fairy who was curious about the people in Corleone, Sicily. She hid as a water lily in a pond among other water lilies. The fairy wanted to do some nice things for those people by showering them with different gifts every day.

"The Water Lily Fairy is a simple story gently told. The book brims with lovely and colorful illustrations. It is a perfect book to read to a wide-eyed child before bedtime to bring dreams filled with shimmering fairy magic."

"This is absolutely a fantastic children's book. It was one of the most adorable books I have read. The pictures couldn't have been better. I'm eager to read more from this author to my children. Her fairies are simply irresistible!"