Gold Crwn Magazine ISSUE // DOROTHY WANG | Page 40

Skinny does NOT mean healthy - So many people are so obsessed with becoming skinny and have the pre-conception that being skinny will also mean that they are healthy, which in some cases is not exactly the truth. People get so obsessed with getting the media’s idea of a perfect body that they don’t see just what they are doing to themselves. If your body fat levels drop too low, this can cause hair loss, losing your period, tiredness, and in some cases lacking energy and motivation. So before you become obsessed with trying to lose the pounds, contact the proper help for you. Speak to a personal trainer, or even someone at your local gym. Working together with them you will be able to compile a training and exercise routine that will be specific to you and will help you maintain HEALTH.






Do people even really care? - We do all this stuff to try and become like the people in the media, but for who? Do we do it for ourselves? Or do we do it for acceptance from people? If you’re doing it for your own happiness, then carry on, of course safely. But if you’re doing it for acceptance, just take some time to think, do people really care what you look like? If the answer is yes, then you are better off without them in your life. People who only look on the outside of a person, are so selfish and you don’t need that negativity in your life.

Live for the moment (well within reason!) - People constantly calorie counting, are you really having a good time? When you’re out and everyone is having that chocolate fudge cake, don’t even try and tell me that you are having a good time watching them eat it! Live for the moment, don’t over indulge, but you deserve to treat yourself every now and again.

Live for the moment (well within reason!) - People constantly calorie counting, are you really having a good time? When you’re out and everyone is having that chocolate fudge cake, don’t even try and tell me that you are having a good time watching them eat it! Live for the moment, don’t over indulge, but you deserve to treat yourself every now and again.

Models? Probably airbrushed - there are so many cases where models have come forward and published the before and after airbrushed photos of their shoots to show people that they aren't what the media are publishing. This should be something that sticks in your head every time you see a model on a campaign, on tv or in a magazine. They aren't always what they are portrayed to look like. Everyone has their imperfections, and models are no exceptions, so don’t base yourself on becoming them, because they are just like the rest of us!