Gold Crwn Magazine ISSUE // COCO JONES | Page 35


" 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year "

Mental health . Those two little words that leave people unable to continue the conversation and swiftly you find them rambling on about how nice the weather is . Have you ever found that when someone mentions mental health , the majority of the time , the conversation gets avoided or changed ? It ’ s quite sad really that we still live in a society where mental health is so avoided , and so misunderstood , but that can change . And why not make 2017 the year to change it ?
It ’ s not surprising that people shy away from mental health as a topic because they don ’ t understand it . And that ’ s okay , because the majority of the time when you suffer from a
mental health problem yourself , in the beginning , you don ’ t understand it either . Being embarrassed about suffering from mental health , is how a lot of people would describe the reason they don ’ t talk about it . But I am here to tell you , there is nothing to be embarrassed about . It ’ s okay to not be okay - just remember that . So many of your friends , family , teachers , and even you will be putting on brave faces daily , fighting their own mental health battles alone . But what if 2017 was the year when people spoke out , when people made that change when mental health became something people felt comfortable with .
You can be that change . New Years is the perfect start for a fresh slate , an opportunity for you to start fresh and put back into the world . Why not use that to raise awareness of mental health ? According to MIND , 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year .
The statistics are so common , yet surprisingly ,