Gold Crwn Magazine ISSUE 26 // CREE CICCHINO | Page 27

As some of you will know, the last week was Mental Health Awareness Week, something which I think is incredible because it is raising awareness of such an amazing cause. So, I wanted to start off my feature this month by saying PLEASE, please, continue all the amazing support for Mental Health after this week, and continue to raise awareness of such a crucial topic in a modern society. Also, be there for your friends, family, strangers - be there for everyone. A few kind words can go a long way, and with that thought in mind, it brings me to today’s article.

I know just how far a few kind actions can go, and that’s why I have compiled a list of small gestures you can do to help improve someones day drastically. So why not go and complete just one of these small gestures today, and improvesomeone's day positively! Remember, like normal, if you do any of these gestures I’d love to know! Send me a private message or tweet to @gabbyfabrizio and let’s chat!

Small Gestures to do to impact someones day positively

Hold the door open for someone - we are all guilty of it, just walking through a door and being oblivious to those around us. Try holding the door open for someone and watch the gratitude spread across their face!

Give a compliment - Do you like that girls handbag in front of you? Or really love that boy’s hoody sat on the train? Tell them. We get scared to talk to people, but you’re being positive about them, what’s not to love?!

Manners - Manners, manners, manners! Always remember to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to a person, and if you have to get past someone, a quick ‘sorry’ will make the situation 10x happier for everyone.

Spread the love - tell someone just how much you love them. Not spoken to your aunty in a while? Ring her up and tell her just how much you love her!

Help the less fortunate - it’s quite sad really that we don’t have to go far to see people less fortunate than us, but you can help them. If you see a homeless person sat outside a shop, go inside and buy them a meal deal!

Smile at people - such a simple one, but a little smile to someone really does go a long way. Especially if it is at the older generation, who sometimes feel a little bit uncomfortable around the ‘youth’.

Give up your seat - sat on a crowded tube? bus? train? Can you see someone who deserves the seat more than you? Give up your seat for a person and I can’t stress how much that will make their day so much better.

Give a tip - If you go out for a meal, remember those people who are serving you! They’ve probably been in there for hours already waiting on people, give them a little bit of a tip just to make their day brighter.

Surprise Notes - Leave notes for your family and friends around their house, workplace, bags etc just to show them how much you love them.

Do you have any small gestures that you have done for someone? Please let us know, we’d love to hear how you’ve been helping people!

Talk to Gabby on these social networks:

Twitter: @gabbyfabrizio

Instagram: @gabbyfabrizio

Official Website:

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