go_p01_grader_H3.pptx (answer) Homework | Page 3

September and March . ​ Be sure to type the period at the end of the sentence .
8 Display Slide 3 . Select the paragraph of text , and then change the Font Color to Green , Accent 6 , Lighter
60 % -in the last column , the third color . Change the Font Size to 18 , and then apply Bold .
9 In the same paragraph , change the Line Spacing to 1.5 , 5.000 and then center the paragraph and the slide title .
10 With Slide 3 still displayed , format the picture with the
Soft Edge Rectangle picture style and the Marker artistic effect .
11 Display Slide 4 . In the content placeholder on the right ,
5.000 from your downloaded grader files , insert the picture​go _ p01 _ grader _ Lights . jpg . Apply the Reflected Rounded Rectangle picture style .