go_a01_grader_a3_Open_Houses.accdb (solution) Homework

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Buy here : http :// homework . plus / products . php ? product = go _ a01 _ gr ader _ a3 _ Open _ Houses . accdb- % 28solution % 29
Open Houses
Project Description :
In this project , you will create database objects to track the open houses for the Health Professions departments at a college . You will create a table and import data from Excel to create a second table . You will use a database template to enter data into the Events table . You will create a simple query , a form , and a report .
Instructions :
For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks :
Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Access . Open the downloaded file
0 named​go _ a01 _ ​ grader _ a3 _ Open _ Houses . accdb, enable the content , and then close the Event List multiple-items