gmhTODAY 11 gmhToday Nov Dec 2016 | Page 73

Back on the Cassiar, we drove through the first real rain we had seen in months. We saw rivers and bogs and lakes every- where. Unlike our dry California, they’ve still got old fashioned multi-gallon flush toilets up north. We also noticed that the seasons, as reflected by the trees, change as much by latitude as by time of year. The trip started with bright green trees and just a few days later, the leaves were turning red and yellow. We even saw a deciduous conifer that was turning yellow, weird. The fall colors accented the majestic green mountains that were capped with snow. What an unexpected treat. It took three days just to cross British Columbia; redefining my concept of huge. Passing a sign marked “Entering the Yukon Territory” we knew we’d come a long way and we noticed the increasing cold. The Yukon is the historic home of the Klondike Gold Rush – a place of legends. Ore trucks now replace logging trucks of old. Once in the Yukon we traveled the legendary Alcan Highway. The road took us north into the Yukon before passing back through British Columbia and dropping down into Skagway, Alaska. It had been forty-six years since I last stepped foot in Skagway. Except for the huge docks to anchor city-sized cruise ships, it was surprisingly familiar. A small town wedged into a narrow valley leading to the Lynn Canal. GILROY • MORGAN HILL • SAN MARTIN NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 73