gmhTODAY 11 gmhToday Nov Dec 2016 | Page 17

Morgan Hill Historical Society

Founders Day

Margaret Turgeon Johnston , Jim Alter , Dorothy Bryan Tykol , Ruth Alter Johnson
IN SEPTEMBER MORGAN HILL HISTORICAL SOCIETY held the 47th Annual Founders ’ Dinner at the Community and Cultural Center . The historical society hosted a record number of founders , six of whom were featured in a video created to help preserve and share the history of Morgan Hill . They are : Dorothy Bryan Tykol ( 1922 ), Jean Skeels Pinard ( 1928 ), Margaret Turgeon Johnston ( 1926 ), Steven Burt Malech ( 1931 ), James Alter ( 1928 ), and Ruth Alter Johnson ( 1932 ). The video project by 152 West Productions captures individual stories of life in our region during some of the most memorable years in U . S . history . Caterer : Gunther ’ s . Servers : Morgan Hill Rotary Interact Clubs . Wine : donated by Guglielmo Winery . Sponsors : Anritsu , Recology , Rosy ’ s at the Beach , Ponzini ’ s Community Garage and Towing , Paul Ward , Roger & Janie Knopf , Windmill Mini-Storage , Johnson Lumber / ACE Hardware , Ashlee & Jordyne Atkins , Marilyn Barrow , Don & Lynne Bonino , Joan Lewis , Peter Musachia , and many generous Raffle Donors . Table centerpieces donated by Cal Color Growers .
Anita Kell Mason David Fritts Ellie Weston , Scott Parker , and Kathy Sullivan
Gilroy Chamber of Commerce
Port & Politics , Pinot & More
GILPAC HOSTED ITS FOURTH ANNUAL Pork & Politics , Pinot & More on September 29 , 2016 at Old City Hall . This event was a fundraiser for GilPAC , which is the political action arm of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce . Old City Hall furnished the Pork , an actual roasted pig ; Solis Winery brought the wine ; and the participants brought plenty of politics and more . GilPAC has four functions : 1 ) to become involved in state and local politics , 2 ) to receive contributions from individuals and organizations , 3 ) to manage and distribute funds in state and local politics , and 4 ) To act as a committee of the Gilroy Chamber of Commerce .