gmhTODAY 04 gmhToday Sep Oct 2015 | Page 79

of criminal background checks . There are county databases , FBI database , national database , etc . Some are more up to date than others . County databases may not necessarily have the latest incident . It is better for your investigations to overlap than for you to miss critical information . Go further and Google them . Gilroy and Morgan Hill have “ Most Wanted Lists .” These are people who have not been convicted but there is ample evidence against them . Civil lawsuit cases do not show up in criminal background checks , but Google might reveal that a candidate you find delightfully charming , has been involved in scamming a client . Check them out on Facebook and see what they post . You will be surprised what you can learn .
• Most of them do not carry bond insurance , liability insurance and / or worker ’ s compensation insurance . California is considered a “ no fault ” state . Even if you require an independent contractor to get their own insurance , if they don ’ t , you are liable as the implied employer . Your best bet – ask your lawyer to guide you , or at least look into what coverage you might be able to provide or insist they get , to cover them , and protect your interests and your parents ’ interests .
Before you hire , make sure you are aware of all the laws that you must comply with when employing a home health caregiver . There are overtime laws , break time rules , sick days , sleep-time rules , travel time pay , etc ., you must comply with . Don ’ t forget to arrange for back-ups . Who can help you if your independent caregiver can ’ t report to work ? Especially during the flu season , a back-up is essential .
Thinking of ignoring some of the above and paying under the table ? It is best that you don ’ t . Good caregivers work hard and deserve to be treated right . Remember the Golden Rule . When cutting corners , remember that corners can have sharp edges . Be fair , kind and respectful to those you hire-you will be glad you did !